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CCDB → Angiosperms → Compositae → Senecio → Senecio vulgaris L.
Name | Accepted Name | Gametophytic(n) | Sporophytic(2n) | Data Source | reference | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Slovakia Database | Májovský J. et al., 1974a: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 3). - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 22: 1-20. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Slovakia Database | Králik E. & Hrozienčik I., 2000: Karyologické štúdium slovenskej flóry XXXIV. - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 40: 43-46. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IAPT/IOPB | IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 13 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IAPT/IOPB | IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 12 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IAPT/IOPB | ||||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IAPT/IOPB | ||||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | British Isles cytology | Morton, J.K. Watsonia 11: 211-223 (1977) | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | British Isles cytology | Ingram, R., Noltie, H.J. Genetica 78: 21-24 (1989) | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | British Isles cytology | Ingram, R., Noltie, H.J. Genetica 72: 37-41 (1987) | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | British Isles cytology | Gibbs, P.E., Milne, C., Vargas Carillo, M. New Phytol. 75: 619-626 (1975) | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | British Isles cytology | Crisp, P.C. (1972) | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | British Isles cytology | Jones, K. (1969) | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Flora Iberica | Cytotaxonomy of spanish plants. IV.-Dicotyledons: Caesalpinacea-Asteracea. Lve, A. & E. Kjellqvist.Lagascalia4(2): 153-211(1974). | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | Flora Iberica | Nmeros cromosomticos de plantas occidentales, 452-465. Ruz de Clavijo Jimnez, E.Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid45(1): 259-266(1988). | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | Flora Iberica | Contribuiao para o conhecimento citotaxonmico das spermatophyta de Portugal. II. Compositae, supl. 1 Queirs, M.Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 247: 299-314(1973). | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Flora Iberica | Contribution la connaissance cytotaxinomique des spermatophyta du Portugal. II. Compositae Fernandes, A. & M. Queirs.Bol. Soc. Brot. ser. 245: 5-121(1971). | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Flora Iberica | Sur la caryologie de quelques plantes rcoltes pendant la III Reunion de Botanique Pninsulaire. Fernandes, A. & M. Queirs.Mem. Soc. Brot.21: 343-385(1971). | |||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | flora of NW Europe | http://wbd.etibioinformatics.nl/bis/flora.php?selected=beschrijving&menuentry=soorten&id=4089 | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Poland Database | Skali?ska M., Pogan E., Czapik R. et al. 1978. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish Angiosperms. Twelfth contribution. Acta Biol. Cracov. Ser. Bot. 21, 31-63. | |||
! | Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40(1) | Asteracea | Kadereit 1984b Plant Syst. Evol. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20(1) | Asteracea | Powell & K. 1969 Amer. J. Bot. | ||
Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 4x(19) | Asteracea | Comes & A. 2001 Evolution | |||
! | Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 27(1) | Asteracea | Kadereit 1984b Plant Syst. Evol. | ||
Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20(1) | Asteracea | Queiros 1973 Bol. Soc. Brot. (ser. 2), Coimbra | |||
! | Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 27(1) | Asteracea | Kadereit 1984b Plant Syst. Evol. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40(1) | Asteracea | Ingram 1977 Heredity | ||
Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20(1) | 40(1) | Asteracea | Uotila & P. 1985 Acta Bot. Fennici | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20(1) | Asteracea | Ward 1983 Phytologia | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IPCN65 | Palmblad 1965 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IPCN online | Ruíz de Clavijo Jiménez, E. 1988. Números cromosomáticos de plantas occidentales, 452--465. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 45: 259–266. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Arohonka, T. 1982. Chromosome counts of vascular plants of the island Seili in Nauvo, southwestern Finland. Turun Yliopiston Julkaisuja, Sar. A 2, Biol.-Geogr. 3: 1–12. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Kuzmanov, B. A., S. B. Georgieva & V. A. Nikolova. 1986. Chromosome numbers of Bulgarian flowering plants. I. Fam. Asteraceae. Fitologija 31: 71–74. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | D'Ovidio, R. 1984. Numeri cromosomici per la flora Italiana: 1011--1021. Inform. Bot. Ital. 16: 251–260. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IPCN online | Ward, D. E. 1983. In: IOPB chromosome number reports LXXX. Taxon 32: 510–511. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Dmitrieva, S. A. 1987. Kariologicheskaja kharakteristika nekotorykh predstaviteley sem. slozhnocvetnykh (Asteraceae Dumort.) flory Belorussii. Botanika (Minsk) 28: 23–33. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IPCN online | Mulligan, G. A. 1984. Chromosome numbers of some plants native and naturalized in Canada. Naturaliste Canad. 111: 447–449. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20II | IPCN online | Keil, D. J., M. A. Luckow & D. J. Pinkava. 1988. Chromosome studies in Asteraceae from the United States, Mexico, the West Indies, and South America. Amer. J. Bot. 75: 652–668. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Ingram, R. & H. J. Noltie. 1987. The control of chiasma frequency within a polyploid series in the genus Senecio (Compositae). Genetica 72: 37–41. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Comes, H. & J. W. Kadereit. 1990. Aspects of hybridization between the closely related Senecio vulgaris L. and Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit. Flora 184: 381–388. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Lavrenko, A. N. & N. P. Serditov. 1991. Chromosome numbers in some plant species from the south-west of the Komi ASSR. Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 76: 769–771. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Slavĭk, B., V. Jarolĭmovă & J. Chrtek. 1993. Chromosome counts of some plants from Cyprus. Candollea 48(1): 221–230. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Vogt, R. & A. Aparicio. 1999. Chromosome numbers of plants collected during Iter Mediterraneum IV in Cyprus. Bocconea 11: 117–169. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IPCN online | Khatoon, S. & S. I. Ali. 1993. Chromosome Atlas of the Angiosperms of Pakistan. Department of Botany, University of Karachi, Karachi. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Albers, F. & W. Pröbsting. 1998. In R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler, Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. Bundesamt für Naturschutz & Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Lövkvist, B. & U. M. Hultgård. 1999. Chromosome numbers in south Swedish vascular plants. Opera Bot. 137: 1–42. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Skalinska, M. 1978. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish angiosperms. Twelfth contribution. Acta Biol. Cracov., Ser. Bot. 21: 31–63. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | 40 | IPCN online | Strid, A. & R. Franzen. 1981. In Chromosome number reports LXXIII. Taxon 30: 829–842. | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Alexander, J. C. M. 1979. The mediterranean species of Senecio sections Senecio and Delphinifolius. Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 37: 387–428. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | 40 | IPCN online | Ingram, R., J. Weir & R. J. Abbott. 1980. New evidence concerning the origin of inland radiate groundsel, Senecio vulgaris var. hibernicus Syme. New Phytol. 84: 543–546. | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Keil, D. J. 1981. In Chromosome number reports LXXII. Taxon 30: 705–706. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Morton, J. K. 1977. A cytological study of the Compositae (excluding Hieracium and Taraxacum) of the British Isles. Watsonia 11: 211–223. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Skalinska, M., E. Pogan, R. CZAPIK & e. al. 1978. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish angiosperms. XII. Acta Biol. Cracov., Ser. Bot. 21: 31–63. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Gibbs, P. E., C. MILNE & M. V. CARILLO. 1975. Correlation between the breeding system and recombination index in five species of Senecio. New Phytol. 75: 619–626. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Harriman, N. A. 1978. In IOPB chromosome number reports LX. Taxon 27: 223–231. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN online | Arda, S. & G. OLGUN. 1994. Edirne çevresi Senecia L. türlerinin morfolojik, anatomik ve karyolojik olarak incelenmesi. XII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi (6--8 Temmuz 1994, Edirne) II: 99--106. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 38 | IPCN online | Probatova. 2006. Chromosome numbers of vascular plants from nature reserves of the Primorsky Territory and the Amur River basin. Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 91(7): 1117–1134. | |||
Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 37, 38, 40, 41 | IPCN online | Gilmer, K. & J. W. Kadereit. 1989. The biology and affinities of Senecio teneriffae Schultz Bip., an annual endemic from the Canary Islands. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 111: 263–273. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN72 | KLIPHUIS, E . & J.H. WIEFFERING. 1972. Chromosome numbers of some Angiosperms from the South of France. Acta Bot. Neer!. 21: 598-604. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | 40 | IPCN67-71 | TAYLOR, R.L., & G.A. MULLIGAN. 1968. Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Part 2. Cytological aspects of the Vascular Plants. Queen's Printer, Ottawa. pp. 148. | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IPCN67-71 | POWELL, A.M., & R.M. KING. 1969. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae: Colombian species. Amer. J. Bot. 56: 116-121. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IPCN67-71 | TURNER, B.L. 1970. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae. XII Australian species. Amer. J. Bot. 57: 382-389. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN67-71 | CRISP, P., & B.M.G. JONES. 1970. Senecio squalidus L., ~- vulgaris L. and~- cambrensis Rosser. Watsonia 8: 47 48. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN67-71 | GADELLA, Th. W. J., & E. KLIPHUIS. 1966.' Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in the Netherlands II. Proc. Roy. Neth. Acad. Sci. Ser. C. 69: 541-556. | |||
! | Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN67-71 | FERNANDES, A., & M. QUEIROS. 1970-71. Sur la caryologie de quelque plantes recoltees pendant la Illeme reunion de botanique peninsulaire. Mem. Soc. Broteriana 21: 343-385. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN67-71 | FERNANDES, A., & M. QUEIROS. 1971. Contribution a la connaissance cytotaxinomique des Spermatophyta du Portugal. II Compositae Bol. soc. Brot. 45 (ser. 2l: 5-122. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Love, 1948 | Vaarama 1943. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | IPCN73-74 | QUEIROS, M. 1973. Contribuicao para o conhecimento citotaxonomico dJ spermatophyta de Portugal. 47(Ser. 2l: 299-314. II Compositae, supl. I Bol. Soc. Brot. I | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN73-74 | LOEVE, A., & E. KJELLQVIST. 1974. Cytotaxonomy of Spanish plants. IV. Dicotyledons: Caesalpiniaceae- Asteraceae. Lagascalia 4: 153-211. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN73-74 | STRID, A. 1971. Chromosome numbers in some Albanian angiosperms. Bot. Notiser 124: 490-496. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IPCN73-74 | MAJOVSKY, J., ET AL. 1974. Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. (Part 3). Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae Bot. 22: 1-20. | |||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | eFlora | |||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Darlington, 1955 | Cosmop. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | C-values database | Bennett MD, Smith JB. 1991. Nuclear DNA amounts in angiosperms. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 334: 309-345. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris None | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Cave1956 | Love & Love b | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | Cave1963 | Ornduff et al. 1963 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | Cave1963 | Gadella & Klip. 1963 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | n-20 | 0 | CromoCat 2015 | Malik, R.A., Gupta, R. C & Kumari, S. (2011). IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 12 Taxon 60:1790-1790 | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20II | CromoCat 2015 | Keil, D. J., Luckow, M. A. & Pinkava, D. J. (1988). Chromosome studies in Asteraceae from the United States, Mexico, the West Indies, and South America American Journal of Botany 75: 652-668 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Gibbs, P. E., Milne, C. & Vargas Carrillo, M. (1975). Correlation between the breeding system and recombination index in five species of Senecio. New Phytol. 75: 619-626. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Keil, D. J. & Pinkava, D. J. (1981). Reports [In Löve, A. (ed.), IOPB chromosome numbers reports LXXII]. Taxon 30(3): 705-706. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Löve, A. & Löve, D. (1942a). Chromosome numbers of Scandinavian plant species. Bot. Not. 1942: 19-59. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Lövkvist, B. & Hultgård, U.-M. (1999). Chromosome numbers in south Swedish vascular plants Opera botanica 137: 1-42 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Ornduff, R., P. H. Raven, D. W. Kyhos & A. R. Kruckeberg. (1963). Chromosome numbers in Compositae. III. Senecioneae. Amer. J. Bot. 50: 131-139. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Powell, A. M. & R. M. King. (1969b). Chromosome numbers in the Compositae: Colombian species. Amer. J. Bot. 56: 116-121. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Ruíz de Clavijo Jiménez, E. (1988). Números cromosomáticos de plantas occidentales, 452-465. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 45(1): 259-266. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Taylor, R. L. & G. A. Mulligan. (1968). Flora of the Queen Charlotte Island. Part 2. Cytologiacl aspects of the Vascular Plants. Queen's Printer Ottawa | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Turner, B. L. (1970). Chromosome numbers in the Compositae. XII. Australian species. Amer. J. Bot. 57: 382-389. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Vaarama, A. (1943). Beobachtungen über die meiose bei einigen antropochoren. Hereditas 29: 191-193. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 0 | 38 | CromoCat 2015 | Probatova. (2006). Chromosome numbers of vascular plants from nature reserves of the Primorsky Territory and the Amur River basin. Bot. Žhurn. 91(7): 1117–1134. | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 0 | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Chepinoga, V. V., Gnutikov, A. A., Moritz, R. S., Lubogoschinsky, P. I. & Sergeyeva, A. S. (2012). IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 13 Taxon 61:892-894 | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 0 | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Probatova, N.S.& Kazanovsky, S.G.& Rudyka, E.G. & Seledets, V.P. & Nechaev,V.A (2012). IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 13 Taxon 61:899-902 | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 37 | CromoCat 2015 | Gilmer, K. & Kadereit, J. W. (1989). The biology and affinities of Senecio teneriffae Schultz Bip., an annual endemic from the Canary Islands Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 111: 263-273 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 38 | CromoCat 2015 | Gilmer, K. & Kadereit, J. W. (1989). The biology and affinities of Senecio teneriffae Schultz Bip., an annual endemic from the Canary Islands Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 111: 263-273 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Afzelius, K. (1924). Embryologische und zytologische studien in Senecio und ver wandten gattungen. Acta Horti Berg. 8: 123-219. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Alexander, J. C. M. (1979). The mediterranean species of Senecio sections Senecio and Delphinifolius. Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 37: 387-428. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Arohonka, T. (1982). Kromosomilukumäärityksiä Nauvon Seilin saaren putkilokasveista. (Chromosome counts of vascular plants of the island Seiliin Nauvo, SW Finland) Turun Yliopiston Biologian Laitoksen Julkaisuja 3: 1-12. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Crisp, P. & Jones, B. M. G. (1970). Senecio squalidus L., S. vulgaris L. and S. cambrensis Rosser. Watsonia 8: 47-48. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Gadella, Th. W. J. & Kliphuis, E. (1963). Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in the Netherlands. Acta Bot. Neerl. 12(2): 195-230. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Gadella, Th. W. J. & Kliphuis, E. (1966). Chromosome numbers of flowering plants in the Netherlands II. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Ser. C 69(5): 541-556. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Harland, S. C. (1955). The experimental approach to the species problem. In Lousley, J. E. (ed.): Species studies in the British Flora 1955: 16-20. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Harriman, N. A. (1978a). Reports [In Löve, A. (ed.), IOPB chromosome numbers reports LX]. Taxon 27(2/3): 228-229. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Kliphuis, E. & Wieffering, J. H. (1972). Chromosome numbers of some Angiosperms from the South of France. Acta Bot. Neerl. 21: 598-604. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Kliphuis, E. & Wieffering, J. H. (1979). Reports [In Löve, A. (ed.), IOPB chromosome numbers reports LXIV]. Taxon 28(4): 398-400. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Kuzmanov, B., Georgieva, S. & Nikolova, V. (1986). Chromosome numbers of Bulgarian flowering plants. I, Fam. Asteraceae. Fitologija 31: 71-74. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Litardière, R., de. (1922). Note à propos du nombre des chromosomes chez le Senecio vulgaris L. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 69: 20-21. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Löve, A. & Kjellqvist, E. (1974b). Cytotaxonomy of Spanish plants. IV.-Dicotyledons: Caesalpinaceae-Asteraceae. Lagascalia 4(2): 153-211. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Löve, A. & Löve, D. (1956b). Cytotaxonomical conspectus of the Icelandic flora. Acta Horti Gothob. 20(4): 65-291. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Májovsky, J. (1974a). Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. (Part 3). Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 22: 1-20. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Morton, J. K. (1977). A cytological study of the Compositae (excluding Hieracium and Taraxacum) of the British Isles. Watsonia 11: 211-223. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Strid, A. & R. Franzén. (1981). Reports [In Löve, A. (ed.), IOPB chromosome numbers reports LXXIII]. Taxon 30(4): 829-842. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Talavera, S. (1977). Números cromosómicos para la flora española, 18-23. Lagascalia 7(2): 201-203. | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Taylor, R. L. & G. A. Mulligan. (1968). Flora of the Queen Charlotte Island. Part 2. Cytologiacl aspects of the Vascular Plants. Queen's Printer Ottawa | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 41 | CromoCat 2015 | Gilmer, K. & Kadereit, J. W. (1989). The biology and affinities of Senecio teneriffae Schultz Bip., an annual endemic from the Canary Islands Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 111: 263-273 | |||
! | Senecio vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 0 | 37 | CromoCat 2015 | Gilmer, K. & Kadereit, J. W. (1989). The biology and affinities of Senecio teneriffae Schultz Bip., an annual endemic from the Canary Islands Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 111: 263-273 | |
! | Senecio vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 0 | 38 | CromoCat 2015 | Gilmer, K. & Kadereit, J. W. (1989). The biology and affinities of Senecio teneriffae Schultz Bip., an annual endemic from the Canary Islands Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 111: 263-273 | |
! | Senecio vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 0 | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Gilmer, K. & Kadereit, J. W. (1989). The biology and affinities of Senecio teneriffae Schultz Bip., an annual endemic from the Canary Islands Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 111: 263-273 | |
! | Senecio vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 0 | 41 | CromoCat 2015 | Gilmer, K. & Kadereit, J. W. (1989). The biology and affinities of Senecio teneriffae Schultz Bip., an annual endemic from the Canary Islands Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 111: 263-273 | |
! | Senecio vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 20 | CromoCat 2015 | Queirós, M. (1973b). Contribuiçao para o conhecimento citotaxonómico das Spermatophyta de Portugal. II. Compositae, supl. 1. Bol. Soc. Brot. 47: 299-314. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Fernandes, A. & Queirós, M. (1971a). Contribution à la connaissance cytotaxinomique des spermatophyta du Portugal. II. Compositae. Bol. Soc. Brot. 45: 5-122. | ||
! | Senecio vulgaris | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | CromoCat 2015 | Fernandes, A. & Queirós, M. (1971b). Sur la caryologie de quelques plantes récoltées pendant la IIIème Réunion de Botanique Péninsulaire. Mem. Soc. Brot. 21: 343-385. | ||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IAPT/IOPB | IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 25 | |||
Senecio vulgaris L. | Senecio vulgaris L. | 40 | IAPT/IOPB | IAPT/IOPB Chromosome Data 27 |