;CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to mailto:evolseq@tauex.tau.ac.il >Rheum alexandrae 22 >Rheum altaicum 22 >Rheum australe 22 >Rheum compactum 22 >Rheum lucidum 11 >Rheum macrocarpum 11 >Rheum nanum 11 >Rheum officinale 11 >Rheum palmatum 11 >Rheum reticulatum 11 >Rheum rhabarbarum 22 >Rheum rhaponticum 11 >Rheum ribes 22 >Rheum spiciforme 11 >Rheum tanguticum 11 >Rheum tataricum 11 >Rheum tibeticum 11 >Rheum turkestanicum 22 >Rheum webbianum 22 >Rheum wittrockii 22 >Rheum × hybridum 22