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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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913 species in "Senecio" :

Taxon name Status Median (n)
Senecio abadianus DC. Accepted 40
Senecio abbreviatus S. Moore Accepted None
Senecio acanthifolius Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne. Accepted 20
Senecio actinella Greene Accepted 20
Senecio acutangulus (Bertol.) Hemsl. Accepted 30
Senecio adamantinus Bong. Accepted 50
Senecio adenophyllus Meyen & Walp. Accepted 24
Senecio aegyptius L. Accepted 20
Senecio albanensis DC. Accepted 10
Senecio aloides DC. Accepted None
Senecio ambraceus Turcz. ex DC. Accepted 20
Senecio ambrosioides Mart. ex Baker Accepted 20
Senecio amplectens A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio ampullaceus Hook. Accepted 40
Senecio amygdalifolius F. Muell. Accepted 19
Senecio analogus DC. Accepted 20
Senecio anethifolius A. Cunn. ex DC. Accepted 30
Senecio angulatus L. Accepted 30
Senecio angulifolius DC. Accepted 30
Senecio anonymus A. Wood. Accepted 22
Senecio aphanactis Greene Accepted 20
Senecio arenarius Thunb. Accepted 9
Senecio arizonicus Greene Accepted 20
Senecio aronicoides DC. Accepted 20
Senecio articulatus (L.) S. Bip. Accepted 10
Senecio aschenbornianus S. Schauer Accepted 30
Senecio astephanus Greene Accepted 20
Senecio atratus Greene Accepted 20
Senecio aurantiacus Less. Accepted 24
Senecio australis Willd. Accepted 40
Senecio balensis S. Ortiz & Vivero Accepted 5
Senecio banksii Hook. Accepted 30
Senecio barba-johannis DC. Accepted 30
Senecio bayonnensis Boiss. Accepted 20
Senecio bigelovii A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio bipinnatisectus Belcher Accepted 30
Senecio biserratus Belcher Accepted 48
Senecio blochmanae Greene Accepted 20
Senecio bolanderi A. Gray Accepted 23
Senecio bonariensis Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Senecio bracteatus Klatt Accepted 20
Senecio bracteolatus Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Senecio brasiliensis (Spreng.) Less. Accepted 20
Senecio breviscapus DC. Accepted 10
Senecio bupleuroides DC. Accepted 20
Senecio burtonii Hook. Accepted 10
Senecio cacaliaster Lam. Accepted 20
Senecio californicus DC. Accepted 20
Senecio callosus S. Bip. Accepted 20
Senecio calocephalus C. C. Chang Accepted 52
Senecio candidans DC. Accepted 10
Senecio candollii Wedd. Accepted 40
Senecio carnosulus (Kirk) C. J. Webb Accepted 40
Senecio caucasica DC. Accepted 22
Senecio chicharrensis Greenm. Accepted 30
Senecio chihuahuensis S. Watson Accepted 20
Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. Accepted 20
Senecio chrysolepis Phil. Accepted 40
Senecio cicatricosus S. Bip. Accepted 10
Senecio cinerascens Aiton Accepted 10
Senecio citriformis G. D. Rowley Accepted None
Senecio clivicola Wedd. Accepted 20
Senecio coahuilensis Greenm. Accepted 23
Senecio conzattii Greenm. Accepted 20
Senecio coquimbensis Phil. Accepted 20
Senecio cordifolius L. Accepted 20
Senecio costaricensis R. M. King Accepted 20
Senecio coymolachensis Cabrera Accepted 20
Senecio crassulaefolius (DC.) S. Bip. Accepted 10
Senecio crassulus A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio cremeiflorus Mattf. Accepted 20
Senecio cremnophilus I. M. Johnst. Accepted 10
Senecio crepidifolius DC. Accepted 20
Senecio cuneifolius Gardner Accepted 50
Senecio cunninghamii DC. Accepted 30
Senecio cyaneus O. Hoffm. Accepted 10
Senecio dalzellii C. B. Clarke Accepted 20
Senecio decaryi Humbert Accepted None
Senecio deferens Griseb. Accepted 20
Senecio deformis Klatt Accepted 20
Senecio deltoideus Less. Accepted 20
Senecio densiserratus C. C. Chang Accepted 20
Senecio desiderabilis Vell. Accepted 45
Senecio donianus Hook. & Arn. Accepted 40
Senecio doratophyllus Benth. Accepted 20
Senecio doria K. Koch Accepted 20
Senecio doronicum (L.) L. Accepted 20
Senecio dryophyllus Meyen & Walp. Accepted 20
Senecio dubitabilis C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen Accepted 18
Senecio dunedinensis Belcher Accepted 20
Senecio duriaei J. Gay Accepted 20
Senecio elegans L. Accepted 10
Senecio elmeri Piper Accepted 20
Senecio engleranus O. Hoffm. Accepted 10
Senecio eremophilus A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio eremophilus var. eremophilus Accepted 22
Senecio eremophilus var. kingii (Rydb.) Greenm. Accepted 20
Senecio eremophilus var. macdougalii (A. Heller) Cronquist Accepted 20
Senecio erisithalifolius S. Bip. ex Baker Accepted 20
Senecio ertterae T. M. Barkley Accepted 20
Senecio erucifolius L. Accepted 20
Senecio esleri C. J. Webb Accepted 30
Senecio filaginoides DC. Accepted 20
Senecio flaccidus Less. Accepted 20
Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii (DC.) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley Accepted 20
Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis (Greene) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley Accepted 20
Senecio flammeus Turcz. ex DC. Accepted 24
Senecio flammeus subsp. glabrifolius (Cufod.) Kitam. Accepted 23
Senecio flavus (Decne.) S. Bip. Accepted 10
Senecio francisci Phil. Accepted 20
Senecio fremontii Torr. & A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio fremontii var. blitoides (Greene) Cronquist Accepted 20
Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio furusei Kitam. Accepted 24
Senecio gallicus Vill. Accepted 10
Senecio gayanus DC. Accepted 20
Senecio gilliesianus Hieron. Accepted 20
Senecio gilliesii Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Senecio glabratus Hook. & Arn. Accepted 62
Senecio glandulifer Dematt. & Cristóbal Accepted 20
Senecio glaucophyllus Cheeseman Accepted 50
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. basinudus Ornduff Accepted 50
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. discoideus (Cheeseman) Ornduff Accepted 50
Senecio glaucus L. Accepted 10
Senecio glomeratus Desf. ex Poir. Accepted 30
Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher Accepted 20
Senecio glutinosus Thunb. Accepted 10
Senecio graciliflorus (Wall.) DC. Accepted 20
Senecio grandifolius Less. Accepted 30
Senecio gregorii F. Muell. Accepted 20
Senecio grisebachii Baker Accepted 20
Senecio gunnii (Hook.) Belcher Accepted 20
Senecio halimifolius L. Accepted 30
Senecio hallianus G. D. Rowley Accepted 10
Senecio hartwegii Benth. Accepted 30
Senecio hauwai Sykes Accepted 30
Senecio haworthii (Sweet) S. Bip. Accepted 10
Senecio hemmendorffii Malme Accepted 50
Senecio hercynicus Herborg Accepted 20
Senecio herreianus Dinter Accepted None
Senecio hieronymi Griseb. Accepted 10
Senecio hispidulus A. Rich. Accepted 30
Senecio hochstetteri S. Bip. ex A. Rich. Accepted 5
Senecio hoggariensis Batt. & Trab. Accepted 30
Senecio hohenackeri S. Bip. Accepted 20
Senecio hualtata Bertero ex DC. Accepted 20
Senecio humifusus (Hook.) Cabrera Accepted 60
Senecio hydrophiloides Rydb. Accepted 20
Senecio hydrophilus Nutt. Accepted 20
Senecio hypoleucus F. Muell. ex Benth. Accepted 30
Senecio inaequidens DC. Accepted 20
Senecio inornatus DC. Accepted 20
Senecio integerrimus Nutt. Accepted 20
Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus (Nutt.) Cronquist Accepted 20
Senecio integerrimus var. major (A. Gray) Cronquist Accepted 40
Senecio integerrimus var. ochroleucus (A. Gray) Cronquist Accepted 20
Senecio isatideus DC. Accepted 10
Senecio jacobsenii Rowley Accepted None
Senecio jacuticus Schischk. Accepted 24
Senecio kawakamii Makino Accepted 20
Senecio keniensis Baker Accepted 52
Senecio keniophytum R. E. Fr. Accepted 10
Senecio kermadecensis Belcher Accepted 30
Senecio kleiniiformis Suess. Accepted 30
Senecio krascheninnikovii Schischk. Accepted 10
Senecio laetus Edgew. Accepted 20
Senecio lagascanus DC. Accepted 60
Senecio lanicaulis Greenm. Accepted 30
Senecio laricifolius Kunth Accepted 46
Senecio laseguei Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne. Accepted 20
Senecio lelyi Hutch. Accepted 5
Senecio lemmonii A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio leptolobus DC. Accepted 20
Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. Accepted 10
Senecio linearifolius A. Rich. Accepted 30
Senecio linifolius (L.) L. Accepted 20
Senecio lividus L. Accepted 20
Senecio lorentzii Griseb. Accepted 20
Senecio lucidus (Sw.) DC. Accepted 50
Senecio lugens Richardson Accepted 20
Senecio lyonii A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio macedonicus Griseb. Accepted 20
Senecio macranthus A. Rich. Accepted 20
Senecio macroglossus DC. Accepted None
Senecio madagascariensis Poir. Accepted 20
Senecio madrasensis C. Jeffrey Accepted 20
Senecio magellanicus Hook. & Arn. Accepted 40
Senecio magnificus F. Muell. Accepted 20
Senecio mairetianus DC. Accepted 20
Senecio marotiri C. J. Webb Accepted 40
Senecio massaicus (Maire) Maire Accepted 10
Senecio mattirolii Chiov. Accepted 10
Senecio medley-woodii Hutch. Accepted 10
Senecio megacephalus Nutt. Accepted 20
Senecio meyeri-johannis Engl. Accepted 10
Senecio modestus Wedd. Accepted 20
Senecio mohavensis A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio morrisonensis var. dentatus Kitam. Accepted 20
Senecio multidentatus S. Bip. ex Hemsl. Accepted 20
Senecio nanus S. Bip. ex A. Rich. Accepted 20
Senecio neelgherryanus DC. Accepted 20
Senecio nemorensis L. Accepted 20
Senecio nemorensis subsp. apuanus (Tausch) Greuter Accepted 20
Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. Accepted 20
Senecio neowebsteri S. F. Blake Accepted 20
Senecio nevadensis Boiss. & Reut. Accepted 20
Senecio nikoensis Miq. Accepted 20
Senecio nivalis (Kunth) Cuatrec. Accepted 20
Senecio nudicaulis B. -Ham. ex D. Don Accepted 20
Senecio odoratus Hornem. Accepted 30
Senecio orarius J. M. Black Accepted 35
Senecio ostenii Mattf. Accepted 20
Senecio otites Kunze ex DC. Accepted 52
Senecio ovatus Willd. Accepted 20
Senecio ovatus subsp. alpestris (Gaudin) Herborg Accepted 20
Senecio oxyriifolius DC. Accepted 30
Senecio pampae Lingelsh. Accepted 20
Senecio pampeanus Cabrera Accepted 20
Senecio paniculatus P. J. Bergius Accepted 10
Senecio patagonicus Hook. & Arn. Accepted 40
Senecio paucicalyculatus Klatt Accepted 21
Senecio paucifolius S. G. Gmel. Accepted 20
Senecio pectinatus DC. Accepted 40
Senecio pellucidus DC. Accepted 10
Senecio peripotamus C. Jeffrey Accepted 20
Senecio petraeus Boiss. & Reut. Accepted 10
Senecio phorodendroides L. O. Williams Accepted 51
Senecio picridis S. Schauer Accepted 20
Senecio pierotii Miq. Accepted 24
Senecio pinacatensis Felger Accepted 20
Senecio pinnatus Poir. Accepted 40
Senecio plattensis (Packera) Nutt. Accepted 10
Senecio pleniauritus Cuatrec. Accepted 40
Senecio pogonias Cabrera Accepted 20
Senecio polygaloides Phil. Accepted 18
Senecio polypodioides Greene Accepted 20
Senecio portalesianus J. Rémy Accepted 20
Senecio powellii B. L. Turner Accepted 20
Senecio praecox (Cav.) DC. Accepted 30
Senecio pricei N. D. Simpson Accepted 24
Senecio procumbens Kunth Accepted 20
Senecio pseudoarnica Less. Accepted 20
Senecio pseudoorientalis Schischk. Accepted 20
Senecio pterophorus DC. Accepted 10
Senecio pulcher Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Senecio purpureus L. Accepted 10
Senecio purtschelleri Engl. Accepted 20
Senecio pyrenaicus L. Accepted 20
Senecio pyroglossus Kar. & Kir. Accepted 44
Senecio quadridentatus Labill. Accepted 20
Senecio quercetorum Greene Accepted 46
Senecio racemosus (M. Bieb.) DC. Accepted 20
Senecio radicans (L.) S. Bip. Accepted 20
Senecio radiolatus F. Muell. Accepted 20
Senecio radiolatus subsp. antipodus (Kirk) C. J. Webb Accepted 20
Senecio ragonesei Cabrera Accepted 20
Senecio rapifolius Nutt. Accepted 20
Senecio rhizomatus Rusby Accepted 20
Senecio riddellii Torr. & A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio rigidus L. Accepted 10
Senecio roseus S. Bip. Accepted 20
Senecio rowleyanus H. Jacobsen Accepted 10
Senecio rudbeckiifolius Meyen & Walp. Accepted 20
Senecio rufescens DC. Accepted 20
Senecio rufiglandulosus Colenso Accepted 20
Senecio runcinatus Less. Accepted 20
Senecio runcinifolius J. H. Willis Accepted 20
Senecio ruthenensis Mazuc & T. -Lagr. Accepted 20
Senecio ruwenzoriensis S. Moore Accepted 20
Senecio salignus DC. Accepted 30
Senecio saltensis Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Senecio sarracenicus L. Accepted 20
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.) D. G. Drury Accepted 30
Senecio scandens B. -Ham. ex D. Don Accepted 10
Senecio scandens var. incisus Franch. Accepted 10
Senecio scandens var. scandens Accepted 10
Senecio scaposus DC. Accepted 10
Senecio schaffneri S. Bip. ex Klatt Accepted 60
Senecio schimperi S. Bip. ex A. Rich. Accepted 20
Senecio schultzii Hochst. ex A. Rich. Accepted 20
Senecio schweinfurthii O. Hoffm. Accepted 90
Senecio sectilis Griseb. Accepted 20
Senecio serra Hook. Accepted 20
Senecio serratuloides DC. Accepted 10
Senecio sessilifolius (Hook. & Arn.) Hemsl. Accepted 30
Senecio sichotensis Kom. Accepted 20
Senecio skirrhodon DC. Accepted 20
Senecio smithii DC. Accepted 20
Senecio sotikensis S. Moore Accepted 20
Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray Accepted 20
Senecio spathulatus A. Rich. Accepted 20
Senecio sphaerocephalus Greene Accepted 20
Senecio squalidus L. Accepted 10
Senecio squalidus subsp. araneosus (Emb. & Maire) Alexander Accepted 10
Senecio squalidus subsp. aurasiacus (Batt. & Trab.) Alexander Accepted 10
Senecio squarrosus A. Rich. Accepted 30
Senecio sterquilinus Ornduff Accepted 20
Senecio stoechadiformis DC. Accepted 20
Senecio subalpinus K. Koch Accepted 20
Senecio subdentatus (Bunge) Ledeb. Accepted 10
Senecio subfrigidus Kom. Accepted 24
Senecio subsessilis Oliv. & Hiern Accepted 20
Senecio subsinuatus DC. Accepted 10
Senecio subumbellatus Phil. Accepted 20
Senecio sukaczevii Schischk. Accepted 24
Senecio sylvaticus L. Accepted 20
Senecio takedanus Kitam. Accepted 23
Senecio taraxacoides (A. Gray) Greene Accepted 20
Senecio telekii (Schweinf.) O. Hoffm. Accepted 10
Senecio teneriffae S. Bip. Accepted 30
Senecio tephrosioides Turcz. Accepted 20
Senecio thapsoides DC. Accepted 10
Senecio thianschanicus Regel & Schmalh. Accepted 20
Senecio toluccanus DC. Accepted 20
Senecio torticaulis Merxm. Accepted 10
Senecio transmarinus S. Moore Accepted 10
Senecio triangularis Hook. Accepted 20
Senecio tricuspidatus Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Senecio tricuspis Franch. Accepted 20
Senecio trifurcatus (G. Forst.) Less. Accepted 20
Senecio trilobus L. Accepted 10
Senecio triodontiphyllus C. Jeffrey Accepted 20
Senecio umbrosus Waldst. & Kit. Accepted 20
Senecio unionis S. Bip. ex A. Rich. Accepted 10
Senecio uspallatensis Hook. & Arn. Accepted 40
Senecio vaginatus Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Senecio variabilis S. Bip. Accepted 30
Senecio varicosus L. Accepted 10
Senecio velleioides A. Cunn. ex DC. Accepted 19
Senecio vestitus (Thunb.) P. J. Bergius Accepted 9
Senecio viravira Hieron. Accepted 20
Senecio viscidulus Compton Accepted 20
Senecio viscosus L. Accepted 20
Senecio volckmannii Phil. Accepted 40
Senecio vulgaris L. Accepted 20
Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus (O. F. Müll.) P. D. Sell Accepted 20
Senecio wairauensis Belcher Accepted 20
Senecio warnockii Shinners Accepted 20
Senecio warszewiczii A. Braun & Bouché Accepted 20
Senecio websteri Hook. Accepted 20
Senecio wightii (DC.) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke Accepted 10
Senecio wootonii Greene Accepted 20
Senecio zosterifolius Hook. & Arn. Accepted 20
Senecio × saundersii W. Sauer & E. Beck Accepted 54
Senecio abrotanifolius Georgi Unresolved 20
Senecio abyssinicus S. Bip. ex Hochst. Unresolved 5
Senecio ampliflorus Rowley Unresolved 10
Senecio angustifolius Wall. ex DC. Unresolved 40
Senecio aquaticus Boiss. Unresolved 20
Senecio aquaticus Loisel. Unresolved 20
Senecio argunensis Debeaux Unresolved 20
Senecio axillaris Klatt Unresolved 30
Senecio axillaris Vell. Unresolved 30
Senecio bellidifolius DC. Unresolved 20
Senecio borysthenicus Andrz. ex Schischk. Unresolved 20
Senecio brachyglossus F. Muell. ex Sond. Unresolved 20
Senecio cacaliaster Guss. ex DC. Unresolved 20
Senecio cambrensis Rosser Unresolved 30
Senecio campester (Retz.) DC. Unresolved 24
Senecio candicans Wall. Unresolved 20
Senecio canus Pourr. ex Willk. & Lange Unresolved 40
Senecio cedrorum Raynal Unresolved None
Senecio chilensis Less. Unresolved 20
Senecio chordifolius Hook. Unresolved 20
Senecio chrysanthemifolius Moretti Unresolved 10
Senecio cordatus Wall. Unresolved 20
Senecio crassifolius Sibth. & Sm. Unresolved 10
Senecio crassissimus Humbert Unresolved 10
Senecio crucifolius L. Unresolved 20
Senecio dealbatus Phil. Unresolved 38
Senecio delphinifolius Rchb. Unresolved 20
Senecio doria Kickx Unresolved 20
Senecio doria L. Unresolved 20
Senecio doronicum Willk. Unresolved 20
Senecio eboracensis R. J. Abbott & A. J. Lowe Unresolved 20
Senecio eightsii (Hook.) Cabrera Unresolved 40
Senecio elodes Boiss. Unresolved 20
Senecio eremophilus Richardson Unresolved 20
Senecio erraticus Willk. Unresolved 20
Senecio evansianus Belcher Unresolved 40
Senecio foliosus Salzm. Unresolved 20
Senecio fontanicola Grulich & Hodálová Unresolved 20
Senecio fruticulosus Sibth. & Sm. Unresolved 10
Senecio gallicus Chaix Unresolved 10
Senecio gamolepis Cabrera Unresolved 20
Senecio glaucus subsp. coronopifolius (Maire) C. Alexander Unresolved 10
Senecio gnaphalodes Sieber Unresolved 20
Senecio granatensis Boiss. Unresolved 20
Senecio hebdingii (Rauh & Buchloh) Rauh Unresolved None
Senecio heritieri W. Watson Unresolved 30
Senecio hesperidum Jahand. & Maire & Weiller Unresolved None
Senecio humillimus S. Bip. Unresolved 20
Senecio incanus Boeber Unresolved 20
Senecio incanus Lapeyr. Unresolved 20
Senecio iodanthus Greenm. Unresolved 20
Senecio jacobaea D. Don Unresolved 20
Senecio jacobaea Kunze Unresolved 20
Senecio jacobaea Loscos & Pardo Unresolved 20
Senecio lautus Sol. ex G. Forst. Unresolved 20
Senecio lavendulaefolius DC. Unresolved 10
Senecio lobatus Sessé & Moc. Unresolved 20
Senecio macrophyllus M. Bieb. Unresolved 20
Senecio mikanioides Otto Unresolved 10
Senecio multicapitatus Greenm. Unresolved 20
Senecio nemorensis Lorey & Duret Unresolved 20
Senecio nevadensis S. Bip. Unresolved 20
Senecio oerstedianus Benth. ex Oerst. Unresolved 20
Senecio palmatus Lapeyr. Unresolved 40
Senecio palmatus Less. Unresolved 18
Senecio palmatus Pall. Unresolved 20
Senecio palmensis C. Sm. Unresolved 10
Senecio panpeanus C. aff. Unresolved 20
Senecio pectinatus D. Don ex Baker Unresolved 20
Senecio pendulus Deflers Unresolved 10
Senecio pinnatifidus Phil. Unresolved 20
Senecio portalesianus J. Rémy Unresolved 20
Senecio praticola Rouy Unresolved 24
Senecio primulifolius Vell. Unresolved 24
Senecio procerus (Griseb.) Vel. Unresolved 24
Senecio quinqueradiatus Boiss. ex DC. Unresolved 20
Senecio reinoldii Endl. ex Hook. Unresolved 30
Senecio richii A. Gray Unresolved 20
Senecio rigidus (Thunb.) Jacobsen Unresolved 10
Senecio saxatilis Wall. Unresolved 10
Senecio scandens L. Unresolved 10
Senecio schwetzowii Korsh. Unresolved 20
Senecio scorzonerifolius Meyen & Walp. Unresolved 40
Senecio siculus Jan ex DC. Unresolved 10
Senecio soongaricus Schrenk Unresolved 30
Senecio spathulaefolius DC. Unresolved 24
Senecio squalidus Willd. Unresolved 10
Senecio subulatus var. subulatus Unresolved 40
Senecio sylvaticus Gueldenst. Unresolved 20
Senecio sylvaticus Nestl. ex DC. Unresolved 20
Senecio tampicanus A. Gray Unresolved 23
Senecio tauricolus V. A. Matthews Unresolved 20
Senecio tussilaginis Less. Unresolved 30
Senecio uniflorus Retz. Unresolved 20
Senecio urumovii Velen. Unresolved 20
Senecio variabilis Phil. Unresolved 10
Senecio vernalis Franch. Unresolved 10
Senecio vernalis Hoppe ex DC. Unresolved 20
Senecio viscosus Webb Unresolved 20
Senecio × austriacus Herborg Unresolved 20
Senecio × baxteri E. F. Marshall Unresolved 15
Senecio × decipiens Nyár. Unresolved 20
Senecio × helwingii Beger ex Hegi Unresolved 15
Senecio × londinensis Lousley Unresolved 15
Senecio × peregrinus (Kunk.) G. D. Rowley Unresolved None
Senecio rhombifolius (Willd.) S. Bip. Synonym of Adenostyles rhombifolia (Willd.) Pimenov 19
Senecio decipiens Benoist Synonym of Aetheolaena decipiens (Benoist) B. Nord. 20
Senecio pachylepis Greenm. Synonym of Antillanthus pachylepis (Greenm.) B. Nord. 40
Senecio hermosae Pit. Synonym of Bethencourtia hermosae (Pit.) G. Kunkel 10
Senecio adamsii Cheeseman Synonym of Brachyglottis adamsii (Cheeseman) B. Nord. 30
Senecio bellidioides Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis bellidioides (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio bidwillii var. bidwillii Synonym of Brachyglottis bidwillii (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio bidwillii var. viridis (Kirk) Cheeseman Synonym of Brachyglottis bidwillii var. viridis (Kirk) B. Nord. 30
Senecio bifistulosus Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis bifistulosa (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio bennettii G. Simpson & J. S. Thomson Synonym of Brachyglottis buchananii (J. B. Armstr.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio cassinioides Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis cassinioides (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio cockaynei G. Simpson & J. S. Thomson Synonym of Brachyglottis cockaynei (G. Simpson & J. S. Thomson) B. Nord. 30
Senecio compactus Kirk Synonym of Brachyglottis compacta (Kirk) B. Nord. 30
Senecio elaeagnifolius Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio greyi Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis greyi (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio haastii Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis haastii (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio hectorii Buchanan Synonym of Brachyglottis hectori (Buchanan) B. Nord. 30
Senecio huntii F. Muell. Synonym of Brachyglottis huntii (F. Muell.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio kirkii var. kirkii Synonym of Brachyglottis kirkii (Kirk) C. J. Webb 30
Senecio kirkii var. angustior Allan Synonym of Brachyglottis kirkii var. angustior (Allan) C. J. Webb 30
Senecio lagopus Raoul Synonym of Brachyglottis lagopus (Raoul) B. Nord. 30
Senecio laxifolius Buchanan Synonym of Brachyglottis laxifolia (Buchanan) B. Nord. 30
Senecio monroi Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis monroi (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio myrianthos Cheeseman Synonym of Brachyglottis myrianthos (Cheeseman) D. G. Drury 30
Senecio pentacopus D. G. Drury Synonym of Brachyglottis pentacopa (Drury) B. Nord. 30
Senecio perdicioides Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis perdicioides (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio revolutus Kirk Synonym of Brachyglottis revoluta (Kirk) B. Nord. 30
Senecio saxifragoides Hook. Synonym of Brachyglottis saxifragoides (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio sciadophilus Raoul Synonym of Brachyglottis sciadophila (Raoul) B. Nord. 30
Senecio southlandicus var. albidulus Allan Synonym of Brachyglottis southlandica var. albidula (Allan) B. Nord. 30
Senecio stewartiae J. B. Armstr. Synonym of Brachyglottis stewartiae (J. B. Armstr.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio traversii F. Muell. Synonym of Brachyglottis traversii (F. Muell.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio turneri Cheeseman Synonym of Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C. J. Webb 30
Senecio lampsanoides DC. Synonym of Caucasalia parviflora (M. Bieb.) B. Nord. 19
Senecio platyphylloides Sommier & Levier Synonym of Caucasalia pontica (K. Koch) Greuter 38
Senecio canescens (Humb. & Bonpl.) Cuatrec. Synonym of Culcitium canescens Humb. & Bonpl. 20
Senecio canescens var. boyacensis (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. Synonym of Culcitium canescens Humb. & Bonpl. 20
Senecio scandens Juss. ex DC. Synonym of Delairea odorata Lem. 10
Senecio cheranganiensis Cotton & Blakelock Synonym of Dendrosenecio cheranganiensis (Cotton & Blakelock) E. B. Knox 10
Senecio dalei Cotton & Blakelock Synonym of Dendrosenecio cheranganiensis subsp. dalei (Cotton & Blakelock) E. B. Knox 10
Senecio johnstonii var. elgonensis (T. C. E. Fr.) Mabb. Synonym of Dendrosenecio elgonensis (T. C. E. Fr.) E. B. Knox 50
Senecio keniodendron R. E. Fr. & T. C. E. Fr. Synonym of Dendrosenecio keniodendron (R. E. Fr. & T. C. E. Fr.) B. Nord. 50
Senecio lyallii Hook. Synonym of Dolichoglottis lyallii (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio scorzoneroides Hook. Synonym of Dolichoglottis scorzoneroides (Hook.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio caucasicus (M. Bieb.) DC. Synonym of Dolichorrhiza caucasica (M. Bieb.) Galushko 20
Senecio baberka Hutch. Synonym of Emilia baberka (Hutch.) C. Jeffrey 5
Senecio discifolius Oliv. Synonym of Emilia discifolia (Oliv.) C. Jeffrey 5
Senecio hockii D. Wild. & Muschl. Synonym of Emilia hockii (D. Wild. & Muschl.) C. Jeffrey 5
Senecio minimus Poir. Synonym of Erechtites minima (Poir.) DC. 30
Senecio minimus var. minimus Synonym of Erechtites minima (Poir.) DC. 30
Senecio suaveolens (L.) Elliott Synonym of Hasteola suaveolens (L.) Pojark. 20
Senecio pandurifolius K. Koch Synonym of Iranecio pandurifolius (K. Koch) C. Jeffrey 12
Senecio abrotanifolius L. Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia (L.) Moench 20
Senecio abrotanifolius subsp. abrotanifolius Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia (L.) Moench 20
Senecio abrotanifolius subsp. carpathicus (Herbich) Nyman Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia subsp. carpathica (Herbich) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio carpathicus Herbich Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia subsp. carpathica (Herbich) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio tiroliensis D. Torre Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia subsp. tiroliensis (D. Torre) B. Nord. & Greuter 30
Senecio adonidifolius Loisel. Synonym of Jacobaea adonidifolia (Loisel.) Pelser & Veldkamp 20
Senecio alpinus (L.) Scop. Synonym of Jacobaea alpina (L.) Moench 20
Senecio alpinus subsp. alpinus Synonym of Jacobaea alpina (L.) Moench 20
Senecio cordatus Koch Synonym of Jacobaea alpina (L.) Moench 20
Senecio ambiguus subsp. ambiguus Synonym of Jacobaea ambigua (Biv.) Pelser & Veldkamp 20
Senecio aquaticus Hill Synonym of Jacobaea aquatica (Hill) G. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Scherb. 20
Senecio argunensis Turcz. Synonym of Jacobaea argunensis (Turcz.) B. Nord. 20
Senecio pancicii Degen Synonym of Jacobaea arnautorum (Velen.) Pelser 50
Senecio auricula Coss. Synonym of Jacobaea auricula (Bourg.) Pelser 20
Senecio boissieri DC. Synonym of Jacobaea boissieri (DC.) Pelser 20
Senecio ambiguus subsp. nebrodensis (Guss.) Peruzzi & N. G. Passal. Synonym of Jacobaea candida (C. Presl) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio candidus (C. Presl) DC. Synonym of Jacobaea candida (C. Presl) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio cannabifolius Less. Synonym of Jacobaea cannabifolia (Less.) E. Wiebe 20
Senecio erraticus Bertol. Synonym of Jacobaea erratica (Bertol.) Fourr. 20
Senecio erucifolius subsp. erucifolius Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia (L.) P. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Schreb. 20
Senecio arenarius M. Bieb. Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. arenaria (Soó) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio erucifolius subsp. arenarius Soó Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. arenaria (Soó) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio grandidentatus Ledeb. Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. arenaria (Soó) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio praealtus Bertol. Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. praealta (Betol.) Greuter & B. Nord. 20
Senecio incanus L. Synonym of Jacobaea incana (L.) Veldkamp 20
Senecio incanus subsp. incanus Synonym of Jacobaea incana (L.) Veldkamp 20
Senecio incanus subsp. incanus Synonym of Jacobaea incana (L.) Veldkamp 20
Senecio carniolicus Willd. Synonym of Jacobaea incana subsp. carniolica (Willd.) B. Nord. & Greuter 60
Senecio incanus subsp. carniolicus (Willd.) B. -Bl. Synonym of Jacobaea incana subsp. carniolica (Willd.) B. Nord. & Greuter 60
Senecio incanus subsp. carniolicus (Willd.) Braun-Blanq. & al. Synonym of Jacobaea incana subsp. carniolica (Willd.) B. Nord. & Greuter 60
Senecio incanus subsp. insubricus (Chenevard) Braun-Blanq. & al. Synonym of Jacobaea incana subsp. insubrica (Chenevard) B. Nord. & Greuter 60
Senecio leucophyllus DC. Synonym of Jacobaea leucophylla (DC.) Pelser 20
Senecio lycopifolius Desf. Synonym of Jacobaea lycopifolia (Poir.) Greuter & B. Nord. 40
Senecio bicolor subsp. cineraria (DC.) Chater Synonym of Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden 20
Senecio cineraria DC. Synonym of Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden 20
Senecio cineraria subsp. cineraria Synonym of Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden 20
Senecio gibbosus subsp. cineraria (DC.) Peruzzi & al. Synonym of Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden 20
Senecio cineraria subsp. bicolor (Willd.) Arcang. Synonym of Jacobaea maritima subsp. bicolor (Willd.) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio maroccanus P. H. Davis Synonym of Jacobaea maroccana (P. H. Davis) Pelser 20
Senecio minutus (Cav.) DC. Synonym of Jacobaea minuta (Cav.) Pelser & Veldkamp 20
Senecio mollis Willd. Synonym of Jacobaea mollis (Willd.) B. Nord. 20
Senecio paludosus L. Synonym of Jacobaea paludosa (L.) G. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Scherb. 20
Senecio paludosus subsp. paludosus Synonym of Jacobaea paludosa (L.) G. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Scherb. 20
Senecio paludosus subsp. lanatus Holub Synonym of Jacobaea paludosa subsp. lanata (Holub) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio persoonii D. Not. Synonym of Jacobaea persoonii (D. Not.) Pelser 20
Senecio schischkinianus Sofieva Synonym of Jacobaea schischkiniana (Sofieva) B. Nord. & Greuter 20
Senecio uniflorus (All.) All. Synonym of Jacobaea uniflora (All.) Veldkamp 20
Senecio jacobaea L. Synonym of Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn. 20
Senecio jacobaea subsp. jacobaea Synonym of Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn. 20
Senecio jacobaea var. jacobaea Synonym of Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn. 20
Senecio megaphyllus Greenm. Synonym of Jessea megaphylla (Greenm.) H. Rob. & Cuatrec. 50
Senecio nyikensis var. nyikensis Synonym of Kleinia abyssinica (A. Rich.) A. Berger None
Senecio nyikensis var. hildebrandtii (Vatke) G. D. Rowley Synonym of Kleinia abyssinica var. hildebrandtii (Vatke) C. Jeffrey None
Senecio cephalophorus (Compton) Jacobsen Synonym of Kleinia cephalophora Compton None
Senecio fulgens (Hook.) G. Nicholson Synonym of Kleinia fulgens Hook. None
Senecio sempervivus subsp. grantii (Oliv. & Hiern) G. D. Rowley Synonym of Kleinia grantii (Oliv. & Hiern) Hook. None
Senecio implexus P. R. O. Bally Synonym of Kleinia implexa (P. R. O. Bally) C. Jeffrey None
Senecio kleinia (L.) Less. Synonym of Kleinia neriifolia Haw. None
Senecio odorus (Forssk.) S. Bip. Synonym of Kleinia odora (Forssk.) DC. 10
Senecio pendulus (Forssk.) S. Bip. Synonym of Kleinia pendula (Forssk.) DC. None
Senecio picticaulis P. R. O. Bally Synonym of Kleinia picticaulis (P. R. O. Bally) C. Jeffrey None
Senecio stapeliiformis Phillips Synonym of Kleinia stapeliiformis (E. Phillips) Stapf None
Senecio loeseneri Hieron. Synonym of Lasiocephalus loeseneri (Hieron.) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio longipenicillatus Schultz-Bip. ex Sandw. Synonym of Lasiocephalus longipenicillatus (S. Bip.) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio jacquemontianus (Decne.) Benth. ex Hook. Synonym of Ligularia jacquemontiana (Decne.) M. A. Rau 30
Senecio soongaricus Fisch. Synonym of Ligularia songarica (Fisch.) Ling 30
Senecio veitchianus Hemsl. Synonym of Ligularia veitchiana (Hemsl.) Greenm. 24
Senecio insularis Benth. Synonym of Lordhowea insularis (Benth.) B. Nord. 19
Senecio pulchellus (Kunth) DC. Synonym of Monticalia pulchella (Kunth) C. Jeffrey 20
Senecio smallii Britton ex Small & Vail Synonym of Packera anonyma (A. Wood) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio antennariifolius Britton Synonym of Packera antennariifolia (Britton) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio aureus L. Synonym of Packera aurea (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve 22
Senecio aureus var. gracilis (Pursh) Hook. Synonym of Packera aurea (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve 22
Senecio bernardinus Greene Synonym of Packera bernardina (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio bernardinus Greene Synonym of Packera bernardina (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio harfordii Greenm. Synonym of Packera bolanderi var. harfordii (Greenm.) Trock & T. M. Barkley 23
Senecio breweri B. Davy Synonym of Packera breweri (B. Davy) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio breweri B. Davy Synonym of Packera breweri (B. Davy) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio canus Hook. Synonym of Packera cana (Hook.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 46
Senecio harbourii Rydb. Synonym of Packera cana (Hook.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 46
Senecio canus Hook. Synonym of Packera cana (Hook.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 46
Senecio clevelandii Greene Synonym of Packera clevelandii (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio clevelandii Greene Synonym of Packera clevelandii (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio cyclophyllus Greenm. Synonym of Packera coahuilensis (Greenm.) C. Jeffrey 23
Senecio conterminus Greenm. Synonym of Packera contermina (Greenm.) J. F. Bain 23
Senecio crocatus Rydb. Synonym of Packera crocata (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio cymbalaria Pursh Synonym of Packera cymbalaria (Pursh) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 74
Senecio debilis Nutt. Synonym of Packera debilis (Nutt.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio dimorphophyllus Greene Synonym of Packera dimorphophylla (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio eurycephalus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray Synonym of Packera eurycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio eurycephalus var. eurycephalus Synonym of Packera eurycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio eurycephalus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray Synonym of Packera eurycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio fendleri A. Gray Synonym of Packera fendleri (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio flettii Wiegand Synonym of Packera flettii (Wiegand) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 20
Senecio franciscanus Greene Synonym of Packera franciscana (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio glabellus Poir. Synonym of Packera glabella (Poir.) C. Jeffrey 23
Senecio greenei A. Gray Synonym of Packera greenei (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio greenei A. Gray Synonym of Packera greenei (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 20
Senecio hesperius Greene Synonym of Packera hesperia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio hesperius Greene Synonym of Packera hesperia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio resedifolius Less. Synonym of Packera heterophylla (Fisch.) E. Wiebe 40
Senecio hyperborealis Greenm. Synonym of Packera hyperborealis (Greenm.) Á. Löve & D. Löve 23
Senecio indecorus Greene Synonym of Packera indecora (Greene) Á. Löve & D. Löve 88
Senecio ionophyllus Greene Synonym of Packera ionophylla (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio layneae Greene Synonym of Packera layneae (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 46
Senecio macounii Greene Synonym of Packera macounii (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio macounii Greene Synonym of Packera macounii (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 46
Senecio millelobatus Rydb. Synonym of Packera millelobata (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio millelobatus Rydb. Synonym of Packera millelobata (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 24
Senecio moranii T. M. Barkley Synonym of Packera moranii (T. M. Barkley) C. Jeffrey 23
Senecio multilobatus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray Synonym of Packera multilobata (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio uintahensis (A. Nelson) Greenm. Synonym of Packera multilobata (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio multilobatus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray Synonym of Packera multilobata (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio neomexicanus A. Gray Synonym of Packera neomexicana (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio neomexicanus var. neomexicanus Synonym of Packera neomexicana (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio neomexicanus A. Gray Synonym of Packera neomexicana (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio mutabilis Greene Synonym of Packera neomexicana var. mutabilis (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 46
Senecio neomexicanus var. metcalfei (Greene) T. M. Barkley Synonym of Packera neomexicana var. mutabilis (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 46
Senecio neomexicanus var. mutabilis (Greene) T. M. Barkley Synonym of Packera neomexicana var. mutabilis (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 46
Senecio neomexicanus var. toumeyi (Greene) T. M. Barkley Synonym of Packera neomexicana var. toumeyi (Greene) Trock & T. M. Barkley 22
Senecio obovatus Muhl. ex Willd. Synonym of Packera obovata (Muhl.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio obovatus Muhl. ex Willd. Synonym of Packera obovata (Muhl.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio ogotorukensis Packer Synonym of Packera ogotorukensis (Packer) Á. Löve & D. Löve 23
Senecio pauciflorus Pursh Synonym of Packera pauciflora (Pursh) Á. Löve & D. Löve 87
Senecio pauperculus Michx. Synonym of Packera paupercula (Michx.) Á. Löve & D. Löve 23
Senecio pauperculus var. pauperculus Synonym of Packera paupercula (Michx.) Á. Löve & D. Löve 23
Senecio pauperculus var. thomsoniensis (Greenm.) B. Boivin Synonym of Packera paupercula (Michx.) Á. Löve & D. Löve 23
Senecio pauperculus Michx. Synonym of Packera paupercula (Michx.) Á. Löve & D. Löve 23
Senecio pseudaureus Rydb. Synonym of Packera pseudaurea (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 20
Senecio pseudaureus var. flavulus (Greene) Greenm. Synonym of Packera pseudaurea var. flavula (Greene) Trock & T. M. Barkley 23
Senecio quebradensis Greenm. Synonym of Packera quebradensis (Greenm.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio sanguisorboides Rydb. Synonym of Packera sanguisorboides (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio robbinsii Oakes ex Rusby Synonym of Packera schweinitziana (Nutt.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio schweinitzianus Nutt. Synonym of Packera schweinitziana (Nutt.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio streptanthifolius Greene Synonym of Packera streptanthifolia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio streptanthifolius Greene Synonym of Packera streptanthifolia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio cymbalarioides H. Buek Synonym of Packera subnuda (DC.) Trock & T. M. Barkley 23
Senecio cymbalarioides subsp. cymbalarioides Synonym of Packera subnuda (DC.) Trock & T. M. Barkley 23
Senecio cymbalarioides subsp. moresbiensis Calder & R. L. Taylor Synonym of Packera subnuda var. moresbiensis (Calder & R. L. Taylor) Trock 44
Senecio imparipinnatus Klatt Synonym of Packera tampicana (DC.) C. Jeffrey 23
Senecio tomentosus Michx. Synonym of Packera tomentosa (Michx.) C. Jeffrey 23
Senecio tridenticulatus Rydb. Synonym of Packera tridenticulata (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 23
Senecio petraeus Klatt Synonym of Packera werneriifolia (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio scaposus A. Nelson Synonym of Packera werneriifolia (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio werneriifolius (A. Gray) A. Gray Synonym of Packera werneriifolia (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve 22
Senecio sagittatus S. Bip. Synonym of Parasenecio hastatus (L.) H. Koyama 10
Senecio abietinus Willd. ex Wedd. Synonym of Pentacalia abietina (Willd.) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio andicola Turcz. Synonym of Pentacalia andicola (Turcz.) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio arbutifolius Kunth Synonym of Pentacalia arbutifolia (Kunth) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio cacaosensis Cuatrec. Synonym of Pentacalia cacaosensis (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. 40
Senecio cachacoensis Cuatrec. Synonym of Pentacalia cachacoensis (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. 40
Senecio jalcanus Cuatrec. Synonym of Pentacalia jalcana (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. 50
Senecio ledifolius (Kunth) DC. Synonym of Pentacalia ledifolia (Kunth) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio nitidus (Kunth) DC. Synonym of Pentacalia nitida (Kunth) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio semidentatus Klatt Synonym of Pentacalia reflexa (Kunth) Cuatrec. 49
Senecio silvascandens Cuatrec. Synonym of Pentacalia silvascandens (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio teretifolius (Kunth) DC. Synonym of Pentacalia teretifolia (Kunth) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio trichopus (Benth.) Greenm. Synonym of Pentacalia trichopus (Benth.) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio vaccinioides (Kunth) S. Bip. ex Wedd. Synonym of Pentacalia vaccinioides (Kunth) Cuatrec. 20
Senecio verticillatus var. trichophorus Greenm. Synonym of Pentacalia verticillata (Klatt) Cuatrec. 45
Senecio wurdackii Cuatrec. Synonym of Pentacalia wurdackii (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. 40
Senecio appendiculatus (L.) S. Bip. Synonym of Pericallis appendiculata (L.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio cruentus (Masson) DC. Synonym of Pericallis cruenta (L'Hér.) Bolle 30
Senecio cruentus (Masson) DC. Synonym of Pericallis cruenta (L'Hér.) Bolle 30
Senecio echinatus (L.) DC. Synonym of Pericallis echinata (L.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio hadrosomus Svent. Synonym of Pericallis hadrosoma (Svent.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio heritieri DC. Synonym of Pericallis lanata (L'Hér.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio murrayi Bornm. Synonym of Pericallis murrayi (Bornm.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio papyraceus DC. Synonym of Pericallis papyracea (DC.) B. Nord. 30
Senecio gomereus Kuntze Synonym of Pericallis steetzii (Bolle) B. Nord. 30
Senecio steetzii Bolle Synonym of Pericallis steetzii (Bolle) B. Nord. 30
Senecio webbii (S. Bip.) Christ Synonym of Pericallis webbii (S. Bip.) Bolle 30
Senecio pojarkovae Schischk. Synonym of Pojarkovia pojarkovae (Schischk.) Greuter 20
Senecio confusus Britten Synonym of Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides (Kunth) Cabrera 45
Senecio sprucei Klatt Synonym of Pseudogynoxys poeppigii (DC.) H. Rob. & Cuatrec. 10
Senecio donnell-smithii J. M. Coult. Synonym of Roldana barba-johannis (DC.) H. Rob. & Brettell 10
Senecio grahamii Benth. Synonym of Roldana barba-johannis (DC.) H. Rob. & Brettell 10
Senecio carlomasonii B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley Synonym of Roldana carlomasonii (B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley) C. Jeffrey 30
Senecio heterogamus (Benth.) Hemsl. Synonym of Roldana heterogama H. Rob. & Brettell 30
Senecio hirsuticaulis Greenm. Synonym of Roldana hirsuticaulis (Greenm.) Funston 30
Senecio langlassei Greenm. Synonym of Roldana langlassei (Greenm.) H. Rob. & Brettell 30
Senecio cristobalensis Greenm. ex Loes. Synonym of Roldana oaxacana (Hemsl.) H. Rob. & Brettell 30
Senecio hederoides Greenm. Synonym of Roldana oaxacana (Hemsl.) H. Rob. & Brettell 30
Senecio petasioides Greenm. Synonym of Roldana petasitis (Sims) H. Rob. & Brettell 30
Senecio petasitis (Sims) DC. Synonym of Roldana petasitis (Sims) H. Rob. & Brettell 30
Senecio petasitis (Sims) DC. Synonym of Roldana petasitis (Sims) H. Rob. & Brettell 30
Senecio rugelia A. Gray Synonym of Rugelia nudicaulis Shuttlew. ex Chapm. 28
Senecio eriospermus DC. Synonym of Iranecio eriospermus (DC.) C. Jeffrey 19
Senecio hypochionaeus Boiss. Synonym of Iranecio hypochionaeus (Boiss.) C. Jeffrey 20
Senecio pandurifolius K. Koch Synonym of Iranecio pandurifolius (K. Koch) C. Jeffrey 12
Senecio inops Boiss. & Balansa Synonym of Jacobaea inops (Boiss. & Balansa) B. Nord. 40
Senecio paludosus L. Synonym of Jacobaea paludosa (L.) G. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Scherb. 20
Senecio trapezuntinus Boiss. Synonym of Jacobaea trapezuntina (Boiss.) B. Nord. 20
Kleinia acaulis (L.) DC. Synonym of Senecio acaulis (L.) S. Bip. 10
Senecio acutangulus Hems!. Synonym of Senecio acutangulus (Bertol.) Hemsl. 30
Senecio aegyptius var. aegyptius Synonym of Senecio aegyptius L. 20
Senecio aegyptius var. discoideus Synonym of Senecio aegyptius var. discoideus Boiss. 20
Jacobaea analoga (DC.) Veldkamp Synonym of Senecio analogus DC. 20
Curio articulatus var. articulatus Synonym of Senecio articulatus (L.) S. Bip. 10
Roldana donnell-smithii (J. M. Coult.) H. Rob. & Brettell Synonym of Senecio barba-johannis DC. 30
Senecio hispidulus var. dissectus (Benth.) Belcher Synonym of Senecio bathurstianus (DC.) S. Bip. 30
Senecio julietii Phil. Synonym of Senecio bipontinii Wedd. 40
Senecio flaccidus A. Rich. Synonym of Senecio biserratus Belcher 48
Senecio blochmanae E. Greene Synonym of Senecio blochmanae Greene 20
Senecio blochmanae None Synonym of Senecio blochmanae Greene 20
Senecio bolanderi Allan Synonym of Senecio bolanderi A. Gray 23
Senecio rhombifolius Bolle Synonym of Senecio bollei Sunding & G. Kunkel 10
Senecio bracteolatus var. bracteolatus Synonym of Senecio bracteolatus Hook. & Arn. 20
Senecio flavus subsp. breviflorus Kadereit Synonym of Senecio breviflorus (Kadereit) Greuter 20
Senecio mohavensis subsp. breviflorus (Kadereit) M. Coleman Synonym of Senecio breviflorus (Kadereit) Greuter 20
Senecio scandens Wall. Synonym of Senecio buimalia B. -Ham. ex D. Don 10
Senecio decorus Greenm. Synonym of Senecio callosus S. Bip. 20
Senecio mandonianus Wedd. Synonym of Senecio candollii Wedd. 40
Senecio litvinovii Schischk. Synonym of Senecio cannabifolius var. integrifolius (Koidz.) Kitam. 20
Senecio lautus subsp. carnosulus (Kirk) Ornd. Synonym of Senecio carnosulus (Kirk) C. J. Webb 40
Cacalia cervariaefolia DC. Synonym of Senecio cervariifolius S. Bip. 29
Senecio changii C.Ren & Q.E.Yang Synonym of Senecio changii 20
Kleinia breviscapa DC. Synonym of Senecio cicatricosus S. Bip. 10
Senecio tomentosus Salisb. Synonym of Senecio cinerascens Aiton 10
Senecio cobanensis var. sublaciniatus Greenm. Synonym of Senecio cobanensis J. M. Coult. 65
Culcitium longifolium Turcz. Synonym of Senecio comosus var. culcitioides (S. Bip.) Cabrera 20
Senecio culcitioides S. Bip. Synonym of Senecio comosus var. culcitioides (S. Bip.) Cabrera 20
Senecio conzattii Grunm. Synonym of Senecio conzattii Greenm. 20
Curio crassulifolius (DC.) P. V. Heath Synonym of Senecio crassulaefolius (DC.) S. Bip. 10
Kleinia crassulifolia DC. Synonym of Senecio crassulaefolius (DC.) S. Bip. 10
Senecio sarmentosus O. Hoffm. Synonym of Senecio deltoideus Less. 20
Senecio cahillii Belcher Synonym of Senecio diaschides D. G. Drury 30
Senecio doronicum subsp. doronicum Synonym of Senecio doronicum (L.) L. 20
Senecio amphibolus Wedd. Synonym of Senecio dryophyllus Meyen & Walp. 20
Senecio dubius Ledeb. Synonym of Senecio dubitabilis C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen 18
Senecio nebrodensis L. Synonym of Senecio duriaei J. Gay 20
Senecio tomentosus (Wight) C. B. Clarke Synonym of Senecio edgeworthii Hook. 23
Senecio ambrosioides Rydb. Synonym of Senecio eremophilus var. kingii (Rydb.) Greenm. 20
Senecio erisithalifolius S. Bip. Synonym of Senecio erisithalifolius S. Bip. ex Baker 20
Senecio filaginoides var. filaginoides Synonym of Senecio filaginoides DC. 20
Senecio douglasii var. longilobus (Benth.) L. D. Benson Synonym of Senecio flaccidus Less. 20
Senecio filifolius Nutt. Synonym of Senecio flaccidus Less. 20
Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidus Synonym of Senecio flaccidus Less. 20
Senecio longilobus Benth. Synonym of Senecio flaccidus Less. 20
Senecio douglasii (E. de Candolle) DC. Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii (DC.) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley 20
Senecio douglasii var. douglasii Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii (DC.) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley 20
Senecio douglasii var. monoensis (Greene) Jeps. Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis (Greene) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley 20
Senecio monoensis Greene Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis (Greene) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley 20
Senecio pectinatus A. Nelson Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis (Greene) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley 20
Senecio flammeus Turcz. Synonym of Senecio flammeus Turcz. ex DC. 24
Senecio flavus subsp. flavus Synonym of Senecio flavus (Decne.) S. Bip. 10
Senecio fremontii var. blitoides G. Cronq. Synonym of Senecio fremontii var. blitoides (Greene) Cronquist 20
Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis None Synonym of Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis A. Gray 20
Senecio difficilis Dufour Synonym of Senecio gallicus Vill. 10
Senecio georgianus var. latifolius J. M. Black Synonym of Senecio gawlerensis M. E. Lawr. 30
Senecio georgianus var. latifolius J. M. Black Synonym of Senecio gawlerensis M. E. Lawr. 30
Senecio gerrardii None Synonym of Senecio gerrardii Harv. 20
Senecio glabratus None Synonym of Senecio glabratus Hook. & Arn. 62
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. glaucophyllus Synonym of Senecio glaucophyllus Cheeseman 50
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. raoulii (Hook.) Ornduff Synonym of Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. basinudus Ornduff 50
Senecio glaucus subsp. glaucus Synonym of Senecio glaucus L. 10
Senecio joppensis Dinsm. Synonym of Senecio glaucus L. 10
Senecio coronopifolius Desf. Synonym of Senecio glaucus subsp. coronopifolius (Maire) C. Alexander 10
Senecio desfontainei Druce Synonym of Senecio glaucus subsp. coronopifolius (Maire) C. Alexander 10
Othonna gregorii (F. Muell.) C. Jeffrey Synonym of Senecio gregorii F. Muell. 20
Senecio grisebachii var. grisebachii Synonym of Senecio grisebachii Baker 20
Senecio populifolius L. Synonym of Senecio halimifolius L. 30
Curio hallianus (G. D. Rowley) P. V. Heath Synonym of Senecio hallianus G. D. Rowley 10
Senecio helenae (L.) Schinz & Thell. Synonym of Senecio helenae Buscal. & Muschl. 24
Senecio hercynicus subsp. hercynicus Synonym of Senecio hercynicus Herborg 20
Senecio hercynicus var. hercynicus Synonym of Senecio hercynicus Herborg 20
Senecio dacicus Hodálová & Marhold Synonym of Senecio hercynicus subsp. dacicus (Hodálová & Marhold) Greuter 20
Senecio ucranicus Hodálová Synonym of Senecio hercynicus subsp. ucranicus (Hodálová) Greuter 20
Senecio hesperidum Jahandiez & al. Synonym of Senecio hesperidum Jahand. & al. 10
Senecio hispidulus var. hispidulus Synonym of Senecio hispidulus A. Rich. 30
Senecio foetidus Howell Synonym of Senecio hydrophiloides Rydb. 20
Senecio foetidus var. foetidus Synonym of Senecio hydrophiloides Rydb. 20
Senecio foetidus var. hydrophiloides (Rydb.) T. M. Barkley ex Cronquist Synonym of Senecio hydrophiloides Rydb. 20
Senecio integerrimus var. integerrimus Synonym of Senecio integerrimus Nutt. 20
Tephroseris kawakamii (Makino) Holub Synonym of Senecio kawakamii Makino 20
Senecio amphibolus K. Koch Synonym of Senecio kolenatianus C. A. Mey. 20
Senecio lamottei R. (. S. C. L. × . S. O. W. ) Synonym of Senecio lamottei Rouy 20
Senecio lautus subsp. lautus Synonym of Senecio lautus G. Forst. ex Willd. 20
Senecio lautus var. lautus Synonym of Senecio lautus G. Forst. ex Willd. 20
Senecio leucanthemifolius Poiret Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. leucanthemifolius Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. poiretianus Maire Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. fradinii (Pomel) Batt. Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. latisectus Pau & F. Quer Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. leucanthemifolius Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. major Ball Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. paui Maire Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. vernus (Biv.) Fiori Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio pygmaeus DC. Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. 10
Senecio glacialis Marcow. Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. caucasicus (DC.) Greuter 10
Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. caucasicus None Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. caucasicus (DC.) Greuter 10
Senecio sosnovskyi Sofieva Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. caucasicus (DC.) Greuter 10
Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit. Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter 10
Senecio leucophyton None Synonym of Senecio leucophyton Phil. 20
Senecio linearifolius var. linearifolius Synonym of Senecio linearifolius A. Rich. 30
Senecio calcarius Kunth Synonym of Senecio mairetianus DC. 20
Senecio mattirolii None Synonym of Senecio mattirolii Chiov. 10
Cacalia peltata B. L. Rob. & Greenm. Synonym of Senecio megaphylla Greenm. 30
Senecio mikanioides None Synonym of Senecio mikanioides Otto 10
Senecio mohavensis subsp. mohavensis Synonym of Senecio mohavensis A. Gray 20
Senecio fluviatilis Wallr. Synonym of Senecio nemorensis L. 20
Senecio nemorensis subsp. nemorensis Synonym of Senecio nemorensis L. 20
Senecio octoglossus DC. Synonym of Senecio nemorensis L. 20
Senecio apuanus Tausch Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. apuanus (Tausch) Greuter 20
Senecio germanicus subsp. germanicus Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. 20
Senecio germanicus Wallr. Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. 20
Senecio germanicus subsp. germanicus Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. 20
Senecio germanicus var. germanicus Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. 20
Senecio jacquinianus Rchb. Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. 20
Senecio websteri Greenm. Synonym of Senecio neowebsteri S. F. Blake 20
Senecio malacitanus Huter Synonym of Senecio nevadensis subsp. malacitanus (Huter) Greuter 20
Senecio odoratus var. odoratus Synonym of Senecio odoratus Hornem. 30
Senecio odoratus var. odoratus Synonym of Senecio odoratus Hornem. 30
Senecio oleraceus L. Synonym of Senecio oleraceus Crevost & Lemarie 39
Senecio fuchsii C. C. Gmel. Synonym of Senecio ovatus Willd. 20
Senecio nemorensis subsp. fuchsii (C. Gmelin) Celak Synonym of Senecio ovatus Willd. 20
Senecio ovatus subsp. ovatus Synonym of Senecio ovatus Willd. 20
Senecio alpestris Gaudin Synonym of Senecio ovatus subsp. alpestris (Gaudin) Herborg 20
Senecio minimus var. picridioides (Turcz.) Belcher Synonym of Senecio picridioides (Turcz.) M. E. Lawr. 30
Senecio minimus var. picridioides (Turcz.) Belcher Synonym of Senecio picridioides (Turcz.) M. E. Lawr. 30
Senecio pinnatus Poiret Synonym of Senecio pinnatus Poir. 40
Pittocaulon praecox (Cav.) H. Rob. & Brettell Synonym of Senecio praecox (Cav.) DC. 30
Senecio gerardii Gren. & Godr. Synonym of Senecio provincialis (L.) Druce 20
Senecio pseudoarnica var. pseudoarnica Synonym of Senecio pseudoarnica Less. 20
Senecio pseudoarnica var. rollandii Vict. Synonym of Senecio pseudoarnica Less. 20
Senecio orientalis Willd. Synonym of Senecio pseudoorientalis Schischk. 20
Senecio icoglossus DC. Synonym of Senecio pulcher Hook. & Arn. 20
Senecio tournefortii Lapeyr. Synonym of Senecio pyrenaicus L. 20
Cineraria pyroglossa (Kar. & Kir.) Kamelin Synonym of Senecio pyroglossus Kar. & Kir. 44
Curio radicans (L.) P. V. Heath Synonym of Senecio radicans (L.) S. Bip. 20
Senecio radiolatus subsp. radiolatus Synonym of Senecio radiolatus F. Muell. 20
Senecio antipodus Kirk Synonym of Senecio radiolatus subsp. antipodus (Kirk) C. J. Webb 20
Senecio repangae subsp. repangae Synonym of Senecio repangae de Lange & B. G. Murray 50
Senecio roseiflorus R. E. Fries Synonym of Senecio roseiflorus R. E. Fr. 10
Senecio asper Aiton Synonym of Senecio rosmarinifolius L. 9
Senecio flagellisectus Griseb. Synonym of Senecio rudbeckiaefolius Meyen & Walp. 20
Senecio adenophylloides S. Bip. ex Wedd. Synonym of Senecio rufescens DC. 20
Senecio solandri Allan Synonym of Senecio rufiglandulosus Colenso 20
Erechtites runcinata (Less.) DC. Synonym of Senecio runcinatus Less. 20
Senecio paucifolius DC. Synonym of Senecio ruwenzoriensis S. Moore 20
Senecio sarracenicus L Synonym of Senecio sarracenicus L. 20
Senecio hispidulus var. scaberulus (Hook.) Belcher Synonym of Senecio scaberulus (Hook.) D. G. Drury 30
Senecio chillaloensis Cufod. Synonym of Senecio schultzii subsp. chillaloensis S. Ortiz & Vivero 20
Senecio roberti-friesii K. Afzel. Synonym of Senecio schweinfurthii O. Hoffm. 90
Senecio tenorei Pignatti Synonym of Senecio scopolii subsp. floccosus (Bertol.) Greuter 20
Senecio sempervivus subsp. sempervivus Synonym of Senecio sempervivus S. Bip. None
Culcitium serratifolium Meyen & Walp. Synonym of Senecio serratifolius (Meyen & Walp.) Cuatrec. 40
Roldana sessilifolia (Hook. & Arn.) H. Rob. & Brettell Synonym of Senecio sessilifolius (Hook. & Arn.) Hemsl. 30
Senecio squalidus subsp. squalidus Synonym of Senecio squalidus L. 10
Senecio aethnensis Jan ex DC. Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. aethnensis (DC.) Greuter 10
Senecio aethnensis Jan ex DC. Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. aethnensis (DC.) Greuter 10
Senecio chrysanthemifolius Poir. Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. chrysanthemifolius (Poir.) Greuter 10
Senecio chrysanthemifolius subsp. chrysanthemifolius Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. chrysanthemifolius (Poir.) Greuter 10
Senecio squalidus subsp. chrysanthemifolius Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. chrysanthemifolius (Poir.) Greuter 10
Senecio siculus All. Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. microglossus (Guss.) Arcang. 10
Senecio rupestris Waldst. & Kit. Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. rupestris (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter 10
Senecio subnebrodensis S. (. S. S. × . S. viscosus) Synonym of Senecio subnebrodensis Simonk. 15
Senecio trichopterygius Muschl. Synonym of Senecio subsessilis Oliv. & Hiern 20
Senecio subulatus D. Don ex Hook. & Arn. Synonym of Senecio subulatus var. subulatus 40
Senecio thurifer (D. ). P. (. Pelser & al., 2010) Synonym of Senecio thurifer Bertero ex DC. 20
Packera toluccana (DC.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve Synonym of Senecio toluccanus DC. 20
Senecio transmarinus var. sycephalus None Synonym of Senecio transmarinus var. sycephalus (S. Moore) 10
Senecio doria subsp. umbrosus (Waldst. & Kit.) Soó Synonym of Senecio umbrosus Waldst. & Kit. 20
Senecio vagus subsp. vagus Synonym of Senecio vagus F. Muell. 49
Senecio rodriguezii Willk. ex J. J. Rodr. Synonym of Senecio varicosus L. 10
Jacobaea vestita Thunb. Synonym of Senecio vestitus (Thunb.) P. J. Bergius 9
Senecio vulgaris None Synonym of Senecio vulgaris L. 20
Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Synonym of Senecio vulgaris L. 20
Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris Synonym of Senecio vulgaris L. 20
Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus Synonym of Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus (O. F. Müll.) P. D. Sell 20
Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus (O. F. Muell.) P. D. Sell Synonym of Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus (O. F. Müll.) P. D. Sell 20
Senecio warszewiczii Braun & Bouche Synonym of Senecio warszewiczii A. Braun & Bouché 20
Senecio formosus Kunth Synonym of Senecio wedglacialis Cuatrec. 40
Senecio gracilis Arn. Synonym of Senecio zeylanicus DC. 20
Senecio × londinensis L. (X) Synonym of Senecio × londinensis Lousley 15
Senecio × saundersii W. S. &. E. Beck Synonym of Senecio × saundersii W. Sauer & E. Beck 54
Senecio × saundersii W. Sauer & E. .. Beck Synonym of Senecio × saundersii W. Sauer & E. Beck 54
Senecio aconitifolius (Bunge) Turcz. Synonym of Syneilesis aconitifolia (Bunge) Maxim. 26
Senecio alatus Wall. ex DC. Synonym of Synotis alata C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen 20
Senecio kunthianus Wall. ex DC. Synonym of Synotis kunthiana (Wall.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen 20
Senecio rufinervis DC. Synonym of Synotis rufinervis (DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen 18
Senecio arborescens Steetz Synonym of Telanthophora arborescens (Steetz) H. Rob. & Brettell 30
Senecio cladobotrys Ledeb. Synonym of Tephroseris cladobotrys (Ledeb.) Griseb. & Schenk 12
Senecio rivularis (Waldst. & Kit.) DC. Synonym of Tephroseris crispa (Jacq.) Rchb. 24
Senecio frigidus (Richardson) Less. Synonym of Tephroseris frigida (Richardson) Holub 40
Senecio pseudoaurantiacus Kom. Synonym of Tephroseris frigida (Richardson) Holub 40
Senecio fuscatus (Jord. & Fourr.) Hayek Synonym of Tephroseris fuscata (Hayek) Holub 23
Senecio helenitis (L.) Schinz & Thell. Synonym of Tephroseris helenitis (L.) B. Nord. 24
Senecio helenitis subsp. helenitis Synonym of Tephroseris helenitis (L.) B. Nord. 24
Senecio spathulifolius (C. C. Gmel.) Griess. Synonym of Tephroseris helenitis (L.) B. Nord. 24
Senecio campestris (Retz.) DC. Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia (L.) Holub 24
Senecio integrifolius (L.) Clairv. Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia (L.) Holub 24
Senecio integrifolius subsp. integrifolius Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia (L.) Holub 24
Senecio succisifolius Kom. Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia (L.) Holub 24
Senecio atropurpureus (Ledeb.) B. Fedtsch. Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. atropurpurea (Ledeb.) B. Nord. 24
Senecio capitatus (Wahlenb.) Steud. Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. capitata (Wahlenb.) B. Nord. 48
Senecio integrifolius subsp. capitatus (Wahlenb.) Cufod. Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. capitata (Wahlenb.) B. Nord. 48
Senecio integrifolius subsp. maritimus (Syme) Chater Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. maritima (Syme) B. Nord. 24
Senecio tundricola Tolm. Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. tundricola (Tolm.) B. Nord. 24
Senecio amurensis Schischk. Synonym of Tephroseris kirilowii (Turcz.) Holub 24
Senecio kjellmanii A. E. Porsild Synonym of Tephroseris kjellmanii (A. E. Porsild) Holub 24
Senecio koreanus Kom. Synonym of Tephroseris koreana (Kom.) B. Nord. & Pelser 23
Senecio alpestris DC. Synonym of Tephroseris longifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. & Schenk 24
Senecio longifolius (Jacq.) D. Torre Synonym of Tephroseris longifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. & Schenk 24
Senecio ovirensis DC. Synonym of Tephroseris longifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. & Schenk 24
Senecio ovirensis subsp. ovirensis Synonym of Tephroseris longifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. & Schenk 24
Senecio arcticus Rupr. Synonym of Tephroseris palustris (L.) Rchb. 24
Senecio congestus (R. Br.) DC. Synonym of Tephroseris palustris (L.) Rchb. 24
Senecio papposus (Rchb.) Less. Synonym of Tephroseris papposa (Rchb.) Schur 20
Senecio wagneri Degen Synonym of Tephroseris papposa subsp. wagneri (Degen) B. Nord. 24
Senecio asiaticus Schischk. & Serg. Synonym of Tephroseris praticola (Schischk. & Serg.) Holub 24
Senecio turczaninovii DC. Synonym of Tephroseris turczaninovii (DC.) Holub 45