Senecio abadianus DC. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio abbreviatus S. Moore |
Accepted |
None |
Senecio acanthifolius Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio actinella Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio acutangulus (Bertol.) Hemsl. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio adamantinus Bong. |
Accepted |
50 |
Senecio adenophyllus Meyen & Walp. |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio aegyptius L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio albanensis DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio aloides DC. |
Accepted |
None |
Senecio ambraceus Turcz. ex DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio ambrosioides Mart. ex Baker |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio amplectens A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio ampullaceus Hook. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio amygdalifolius F. Muell. |
Accepted |
19 |
Senecio analogus DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio anethifolius A. Cunn. ex DC. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio angulatus L. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio angulifolius DC. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio anonymus A. Wood. |
Accepted |
22 |
Senecio aphanactis Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio arenarius Thunb. |
Accepted |
9 |
Senecio arizonicus Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio aronicoides DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio articulatus (L.) S. Bip. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio aschenbornianus S. Schauer |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio astephanus Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio atratus Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio aurantiacus Less. |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio australis Willd. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio balensis S. Ortiz & Vivero |
Accepted |
5 |
Senecio banksii Hook. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio barba-johannis DC. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio bayonnensis Boiss. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio bigelovii A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio bipinnatisectus Belcher |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio biserratus Belcher |
Accepted |
48 |
Senecio blochmanae Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio bolanderi A. Gray |
Accepted |
23 |
Senecio bonariensis Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio bracteatus Klatt |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio bracteolatus Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio brasiliensis (Spreng.) Less. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio breviscapus DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio bupleuroides DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio burtonii Hook. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio cacaliaster Lam. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio californicus DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio callosus S. Bip. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio calocephalus C. C. Chang |
Accepted |
52 |
Senecio candidans DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio candollii Wedd. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio carnosulus (Kirk) C. J. Webb |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio caucasica DC. |
Accepted |
22 |
Senecio chicharrensis Greenm. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio chihuahuensis S. Watson |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio chrysanthemoides DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio chrysolepis Phil. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio cicatricosus S. Bip. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio cinerascens Aiton |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio citriformis G. D. Rowley |
Accepted |
None |
Senecio clivicola Wedd. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio coahuilensis Greenm. |
Accepted |
23 |
Senecio conzattii Greenm. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio coquimbensis Phil. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio cordifolius L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio costaricensis R. M. King |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio coymolachensis Cabrera |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio crassulaefolius (DC.) S. Bip. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio crassulus A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio cremeiflorus Mattf. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio cremnophilus I. M. Johnst. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio crepidifolius DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio cuneifolius Gardner |
Accepted |
50 |
Senecio cunninghamii DC. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio cyaneus O. Hoffm. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio dalzellii C. B. Clarke |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio decaryi Humbert |
Accepted |
None |
Senecio deferens Griseb. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio deformis Klatt |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio deltoideus Less. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio densiserratus C. C. Chang |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio desiderabilis Vell. |
Accepted |
45 |
Senecio donianus Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio doratophyllus Benth. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio doria K. Koch |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio doronicum (L.) L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio dryophyllus Meyen & Walp. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio dubitabilis C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen |
Accepted |
18 |
Senecio dunedinensis Belcher |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio duriaei J. Gay |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio elegans L. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio elmeri Piper |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio engleranus O. Hoffm. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio eremophilus A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio eremophilus var. eremophilus |
Accepted |
22 |
Senecio eremophilus var. kingii (Rydb.) Greenm. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio eremophilus var. macdougalii (A. Heller) Cronquist |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio erisithalifolius S. Bip. ex Baker |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio ertterae T. M. Barkley |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio erucifolius L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio esleri C. J. Webb |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio filaginoides DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio flaccidus Less. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii (DC.) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis (Greene) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio flammeus Turcz. ex DC. |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio flammeus subsp. glabrifolius (Cufod.) Kitam. |
Accepted |
23 |
Senecio flavus (Decne.) S. Bip. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio francisci Phil. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio fremontii Torr. & A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio fremontii var. blitoides (Greene) Cronquist |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio furusei Kitam. |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio gallicus Vill. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio gayanus DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio gilliesianus Hieron. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio gilliesii Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio glabratus Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
62 |
Senecio glandulifer Dematt. & Cristóbal |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio glaucophyllus Cheeseman |
Accepted |
50 |
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. basinudus Ornduff |
Accepted |
50 |
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. discoideus (Cheeseman) Ornduff |
Accepted |
50 |
Senecio glaucus L. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio glomeratus Desf. ex Poir. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio glutinosus Thunb. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio graciliflorus (Wall.) DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio grandifolius Less. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio gregorii F. Muell. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio grisebachii Baker |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio gunnii (Hook.) Belcher |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio halimifolius L. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio hallianus G. D. Rowley |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio hartwegii Benth. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio hauwai Sykes |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio haworthii (Sweet) S. Bip. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio hemmendorffii Malme |
Accepted |
50 |
Senecio hercynicus Herborg |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio herreianus Dinter |
Accepted |
None |
Senecio hieronymi Griseb. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio hispidulus A. Rich. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio hochstetteri S. Bip. ex A. Rich. |
Accepted |
5 |
Senecio hoggariensis Batt. & Trab. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio hohenackeri S. Bip. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio hualtata Bertero ex DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio humifusus (Hook.) Cabrera |
Accepted |
60 |
Senecio hydrophiloides Rydb. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio hydrophilus Nutt. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio hypoleucus F. Muell. ex Benth. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio inaequidens DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio inornatus DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio integerrimus Nutt. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio integerrimus var. exaltatus (Nutt.) Cronquist |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio integerrimus var. major (A. Gray) Cronquist |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio integerrimus var. ochroleucus (A. Gray) Cronquist |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio isatideus DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio jacobsenii Rowley |
Accepted |
None |
Senecio jacuticus Schischk. |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio kawakamii Makino |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio keniensis Baker |
Accepted |
52 |
Senecio keniophytum R. E. Fr. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio kermadecensis Belcher |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio kleiniiformis Suess. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio krascheninnikovii Schischk. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio laetus Edgew. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio lagascanus DC. |
Accepted |
60 |
Senecio lanicaulis Greenm. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio laricifolius Kunth |
Accepted |
46 |
Senecio laseguei Hombr. & Jacquinot ex Decne. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio lelyi Hutch. |
Accepted |
5 |
Senecio lemmonii A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio leptolobus DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio linearifolius A. Rich. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio linifolius (L.) L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio lividus L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio lorentzii Griseb. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio lucidus (Sw.) DC. |
Accepted |
50 |
Senecio lugens Richardson |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio lyonii A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio macedonicus Griseb. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio macranthus A. Rich. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio macroglossus DC. |
Accepted |
None |
Senecio madagascariensis Poir. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio madrasensis C. Jeffrey |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio magellanicus Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio magnificus F. Muell. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio mairetianus DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio marotiri C. J. Webb |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio massaicus (Maire) Maire |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio mattirolii Chiov. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio medley-woodii Hutch. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio megacephalus Nutt. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio meyeri-johannis Engl. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio modestus Wedd. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio mohavensis A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio morrisonensis var. dentatus Kitam. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio multidentatus S. Bip. ex Hemsl. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio nanus S. Bip. ex A. Rich. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio neelgherryanus DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio nemorensis L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio nemorensis subsp. apuanus (Tausch) Greuter |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio neowebsteri S. F. Blake |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio nevadensis Boiss. & Reut. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio nikoensis Miq. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio nivalis (Kunth) Cuatrec. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio nudicaulis B. -Ham. ex D. Don |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio odoratus Hornem. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio orarius J. M. Black |
Accepted |
35 |
Senecio ostenii Mattf. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio otites Kunze ex DC. |
Accepted |
52 |
Senecio ovatus Willd. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio ovatus subsp. alpestris (Gaudin) Herborg |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio oxyriifolius DC. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio pampae Lingelsh. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pampeanus Cabrera |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio paniculatus P. J. Bergius |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio patagonicus Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio paucicalyculatus Klatt |
Accepted |
21 |
Senecio paucifolius S. G. Gmel. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pectinatus DC. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio pellucidus DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio peripotamus C. Jeffrey |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio petraeus Boiss. & Reut. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio phorodendroides L. O. Williams |
Accepted |
51 |
Senecio picridis S. Schauer |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pierotii Miq. |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio pinacatensis Felger |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pinnatus Poir. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio plattensis (Packera) Nutt. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio pleniauritus Cuatrec. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio pogonias Cabrera |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio polygaloides Phil. |
Accepted |
18 |
Senecio polypodioides Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio portalesianus J. Rémy |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio powellii B. L. Turner |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio praecox (Cav.) DC. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio pricei N. D. Simpson |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio procumbens Kunth |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pseudoarnica Less. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pseudoorientalis Schischk. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pterophorus DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio pulcher Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio purpureus L. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio purtschelleri Engl. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pyrenaicus L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio pyroglossus Kar. & Kir. |
Accepted |
44 |
Senecio quadridentatus Labill. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio quercetorum Greene |
Accepted |
46 |
Senecio racemosus (M. Bieb.) DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio radicans (L.) S. Bip. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio radiolatus F. Muell. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio radiolatus subsp. antipodus (Kirk) C. J. Webb |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio ragonesei Cabrera |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio rapifolius Nutt. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio rhizomatus Rusby |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio riddellii Torr. & A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio rigidus L. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio roseus S. Bip. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio rowleyanus H. Jacobsen |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio rudbeckiifolius Meyen & Walp. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio rufescens DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio rufiglandulosus Colenso |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio runcinatus Less. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio runcinifolius J. H. Willis |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio ruthenensis Mazuc & T. -Lagr. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio ruwenzoriensis S. Moore |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio salignus DC. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio saltensis Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio sarracenicus L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio scaberulus (Hook.) D. G. Drury |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio scandens B. -Ham. ex D. Don |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio scandens var. incisus Franch. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio scandens var. scandens |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio scaposus DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio schaffneri S. Bip. ex Klatt |
Accepted |
60 |
Senecio schimperi S. Bip. ex A. Rich. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio schultzii Hochst. ex A. Rich. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio schweinfurthii O. Hoffm. |
Accepted |
90 |
Senecio sectilis Griseb. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio serra Hook. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio serratuloides DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio sessilifolius (Hook. & Arn.) Hemsl. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio sichotensis Kom. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio skirrhodon DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio smithii DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio sotikensis S. Moore |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio spartioides Torr. & A. Gray |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio spathulatus A. Rich. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio sphaerocephalus Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio squalidus L. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio squalidus subsp. araneosus (Emb. & Maire) Alexander |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio squalidus subsp. aurasiacus (Batt. & Trab.) Alexander |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio squarrosus A. Rich. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio sterquilinus Ornduff |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio stoechadiformis DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio subalpinus K. Koch |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio subdentatus (Bunge) Ledeb. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio subfrigidus Kom. |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio subsessilis Oliv. & Hiern |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio subsinuatus DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio subumbellatus Phil. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio sukaczevii Schischk. |
Accepted |
24 |
Senecio sylvaticus L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio takedanus Kitam. |
Accepted |
23 |
Senecio taraxacoides (A. Gray) Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio telekii (Schweinf.) O. Hoffm. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio teneriffae S. Bip. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio tephrosioides Turcz. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio thapsoides DC. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio thianschanicus Regel & Schmalh. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio toluccanus DC. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio torticaulis Merxm. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio transmarinus S. Moore |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio triangularis Hook. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio tricuspidatus Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio tricuspis Franch. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio trifurcatus (G. Forst.) Less. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio trilobus L. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio triodontiphyllus C. Jeffrey |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio umbrosus Waldst. & Kit. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio unionis S. Bip. ex A. Rich. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio uspallatensis Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio vaginatus Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio variabilis S. Bip. |
Accepted |
30 |
Senecio varicosus L. |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio velleioides A. Cunn. ex DC. |
Accepted |
19 |
Senecio vestitus (Thunb.) P. J. Bergius |
Accepted |
9 |
Senecio viravira Hieron. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio viscidulus Compton |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio viscosus L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio volckmannii Phil. |
Accepted |
40 |
Senecio vulgaris L. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus (O. F. Müll.) P. D. Sell |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio wairauensis Belcher |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio warnockii Shinners |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio warszewiczii A. Braun & Bouché |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio websteri Hook. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio wightii (DC.) Benth. ex C. B. Clarke |
Accepted |
10 |
Senecio wootonii Greene |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio zosterifolius Hook. & Arn. |
Accepted |
20 |
Senecio × saundersii W. Sauer & E. Beck |
Accepted |
54 |
Senecio abrotanifolius Georgi |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio abyssinicus S. Bip. ex Hochst. |
Unresolved |
5 |
Senecio ampliflorus Rowley |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio angustifolius Wall. ex DC. |
Unresolved |
40 |
Senecio aquaticus Boiss. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio aquaticus Loisel. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio argunensis Debeaux |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio axillaris Klatt |
Unresolved |
30 |
Senecio axillaris Vell. |
Unresolved |
30 |
Senecio bellidifolius DC. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio borysthenicus Andrz. ex Schischk. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio brachyglossus F. Muell. ex Sond. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio cacaliaster Guss. ex DC. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio cambrensis Rosser |
Unresolved |
30 |
Senecio campester (Retz.) DC. |
Unresolved |
24 |
Senecio candicans Wall. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio canus Pourr. ex Willk. & Lange |
Unresolved |
40 |
Senecio cedrorum Raynal |
Unresolved |
None |
Senecio chilensis Less. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio chordifolius Hook. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio chrysanthemifolius Moretti |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio cordatus Wall. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio crassifolius Sibth. & Sm. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio crassissimus Humbert |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio crucifolius L. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio dealbatus Phil. |
Unresolved |
38 |
Senecio delphinifolius Rchb. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio doria Kickx |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio doria L. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio doronicum Willk. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio eboracensis R. J. Abbott & A. J. Lowe |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio eightsii (Hook.) Cabrera |
Unresolved |
40 |
Senecio elodes Boiss. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio eremophilus Richardson |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio erraticus Willk. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio evansianus Belcher |
Unresolved |
40 |
Senecio foliosus Salzm. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio fontanicola Grulich & Hodálová |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio fruticulosus Sibth. & Sm. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio gallicus Chaix |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio gamolepis Cabrera |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio glaucus subsp. coronopifolius (Maire) C. Alexander |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio gnaphalodes Sieber |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio granatensis Boiss. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio hebdingii (Rauh & Buchloh) Rauh |
Unresolved |
None |
Senecio heritieri W. Watson |
Unresolved |
30 |
Senecio hesperidum Jahand. & Maire & Weiller |
Unresolved |
None |
Senecio humillimus S. Bip. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio incanus Boeber |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio incanus Lapeyr. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio iodanthus Greenm. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio jacobaea D. Don |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio jacobaea Kunze |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio jacobaea Loscos & Pardo |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio lautus Sol. ex G. Forst. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio lavendulaefolius DC. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio lobatus Sessé & Moc. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio macrophyllus M. Bieb. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio mikanioides Otto |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio multicapitatus Greenm. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio nemorensis Lorey & Duret |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio nevadensis S. Bip. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio oerstedianus Benth. ex Oerst. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio palmatus Lapeyr. |
Unresolved |
40 |
Senecio palmatus Less. |
Unresolved |
18 |
Senecio palmatus Pall. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio palmensis C. Sm. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio panpeanus C. aff. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio pectinatus D. Don ex Baker |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio pendulus Deflers |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio pinnatifidus Phil. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio portalesianus J. Rémy |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio praticola Rouy |
Unresolved |
24 |
Senecio primulifolius Vell. |
Unresolved |
24 |
Senecio procerus (Griseb.) Vel. |
Unresolved |
24 |
Senecio quinqueradiatus Boiss. ex DC. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio reinoldii Endl. ex Hook. |
Unresolved |
30 |
Senecio richii A. Gray |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio rigidus (Thunb.) Jacobsen |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio saxatilis Wall. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio scandens L. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio schwetzowii Korsh. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio scorzonerifolius Meyen & Walp. |
Unresolved |
40 |
Senecio siculus Jan ex DC. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio soongaricus Schrenk |
Unresolved |
30 |
Senecio spathulaefolius DC. |
Unresolved |
24 |
Senecio squalidus Willd. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio subulatus var. subulatus |
Unresolved |
40 |
Senecio sylvaticus Gueldenst. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio sylvaticus Nestl. ex DC. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio tampicanus A. Gray |
Unresolved |
23 |
Senecio tauricolus V. A. Matthews |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio tussilaginis Less. |
Unresolved |
30 |
Senecio uniflorus Retz. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio urumovii Velen. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio variabilis Phil. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio vernalis Franch. |
Unresolved |
10 |
Senecio vernalis Hoppe ex DC. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio viscosus Webb |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio × austriacus Herborg |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio × baxteri E. F. Marshall |
Unresolved |
15 |
Senecio × decipiens Nyár. |
Unresolved |
20 |
Senecio × helwingii Beger ex Hegi |
Unresolved |
15 |
Senecio × londinensis Lousley |
Unresolved |
15 |
Senecio × peregrinus (Kunk.) G. D. Rowley |
Unresolved |
None |
Senecio rhombifolius (Willd.) S. Bip. |
Synonym of Adenostyles rhombifolia (Willd.) Pimenov |
19 |
Senecio decipiens Benoist |
Synonym of Aetheolaena decipiens (Benoist) B. Nord. |
20 |
Senecio pachylepis Greenm. |
Synonym of Antillanthus pachylepis (Greenm.) B. Nord. |
40 |
Senecio hermosae Pit. |
Synonym of Bethencourtia hermosae (Pit.) G. Kunkel |
10 |
Senecio adamsii Cheeseman |
Synonym of Brachyglottis adamsii (Cheeseman) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio bellidioides Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis bellidioides (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio bidwillii var. bidwillii |
Synonym of Brachyglottis bidwillii (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio bidwillii var. viridis (Kirk) Cheeseman |
Synonym of Brachyglottis bidwillii var. viridis (Kirk) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio bifistulosus Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis bifistulosa (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio bennettii G. Simpson & J. S. Thomson |
Synonym of Brachyglottis buchananii (J. B. Armstr.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio cassinioides Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis cassinioides (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio cockaynei G. Simpson & J. S. Thomson |
Synonym of Brachyglottis cockaynei (G. Simpson & J. S. Thomson) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio compactus Kirk |
Synonym of Brachyglottis compacta (Kirk) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio elaeagnifolius Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis elaeagnifolia (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio greyi Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis greyi (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio haastii Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis haastii (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio hectorii Buchanan |
Synonym of Brachyglottis hectori (Buchanan) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio huntii F. Muell. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis huntii (F. Muell.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio kirkii var. kirkii |
Synonym of Brachyglottis kirkii (Kirk) C. J. Webb |
30 |
Senecio kirkii var. angustior Allan |
Synonym of Brachyglottis kirkii var. angustior (Allan) C. J. Webb |
30 |
Senecio lagopus Raoul |
Synonym of Brachyglottis lagopus (Raoul) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio laxifolius Buchanan |
Synonym of Brachyglottis laxifolia (Buchanan) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio monroi Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis monroi (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio myrianthos Cheeseman |
Synonym of Brachyglottis myrianthos (Cheeseman) D. G. Drury |
30 |
Senecio pentacopus D. G. Drury |
Synonym of Brachyglottis pentacopa (Drury) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio perdicioides Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis perdicioides (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio revolutus Kirk |
Synonym of Brachyglottis revoluta (Kirk) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio saxifragoides Hook. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis saxifragoides (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio sciadophilus Raoul |
Synonym of Brachyglottis sciadophila (Raoul) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio southlandicus var. albidulus Allan |
Synonym of Brachyglottis southlandica var. albidula (Allan) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio stewartiae J. B. Armstr. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis stewartiae (J. B. Armstr.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio traversii F. Muell. |
Synonym of Brachyglottis traversii (F. Muell.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio turneri Cheeseman |
Synonym of Brachyglottis turneri (Cheeseman) C. J. Webb |
30 |
Senecio lampsanoides DC. |
Synonym of Caucasalia parviflora (M. Bieb.) B. Nord. |
19 |
Senecio platyphylloides Sommier & Levier |
Synonym of Caucasalia pontica (K. Koch) Greuter |
38 |
Senecio canescens (Humb. & Bonpl.) Cuatrec. |
Synonym of Culcitium canescens Humb. & Bonpl. |
20 |
Senecio canescens var. boyacensis (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. |
Synonym of Culcitium canescens Humb. & Bonpl. |
20 |
Senecio scandens Juss. ex DC. |
Synonym of Delairea odorata Lem. |
10 |
Senecio cheranganiensis Cotton & Blakelock |
Synonym of Dendrosenecio cheranganiensis (Cotton & Blakelock) E. B. Knox |
10 |
Senecio dalei Cotton & Blakelock |
Synonym of Dendrosenecio cheranganiensis subsp. dalei (Cotton & Blakelock) E. B. Knox |
10 |
Senecio johnstonii var. elgonensis (T. C. E. Fr.) Mabb. |
Synonym of Dendrosenecio elgonensis (T. C. E. Fr.) E. B. Knox |
50 |
Senecio keniodendron R. E. Fr. & T. C. E. Fr. |
Synonym of Dendrosenecio keniodendron (R. E. Fr. & T. C. E. Fr.) B. Nord. |
50 |
Senecio lyallii Hook. |
Synonym of Dolichoglottis lyallii (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio scorzoneroides Hook. |
Synonym of Dolichoglottis scorzoneroides (Hook.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio caucasicus (M. Bieb.) DC. |
Synonym of Dolichorrhiza caucasica (M. Bieb.) Galushko |
20 |
Senecio baberka Hutch. |
Synonym of Emilia baberka (Hutch.) C. Jeffrey |
5 |
Senecio discifolius Oliv. |
Synonym of Emilia discifolia (Oliv.) C. Jeffrey |
5 |
Senecio hockii D. Wild. & Muschl. |
Synonym of Emilia hockii (D. Wild. & Muschl.) C. Jeffrey |
5 |
Senecio minimus Poir. |
Synonym of Erechtites minima (Poir.) DC. |
30 |
Senecio minimus var. minimus |
Synonym of Erechtites minima (Poir.) DC. |
30 |
Senecio suaveolens (L.) Elliott |
Synonym of Hasteola suaveolens (L.) Pojark. |
20 |
Senecio pandurifolius K. Koch |
Synonym of Iranecio pandurifolius (K. Koch) C. Jeffrey |
12 |
Senecio abrotanifolius L. |
Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia (L.) Moench |
20 |
Senecio abrotanifolius subsp. abrotanifolius |
Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia (L.) Moench |
20 |
Senecio abrotanifolius subsp. carpathicus (Herbich) Nyman |
Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia subsp. carpathica (Herbich) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio carpathicus Herbich |
Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia subsp. carpathica (Herbich) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio tiroliensis D. Torre |
Synonym of Jacobaea abrotanifolia subsp. tiroliensis (D. Torre) B. Nord. & Greuter |
30 |
Senecio adonidifolius Loisel. |
Synonym of Jacobaea adonidifolia (Loisel.) Pelser & Veldkamp |
20 |
Senecio alpinus (L.) Scop. |
Synonym of Jacobaea alpina (L.) Moench |
20 |
Senecio alpinus subsp. alpinus |
Synonym of Jacobaea alpina (L.) Moench |
20 |
Senecio cordatus Koch |
Synonym of Jacobaea alpina (L.) Moench |
20 |
Senecio ambiguus subsp. ambiguus |
Synonym of Jacobaea ambigua (Biv.) Pelser & Veldkamp |
20 |
Senecio aquaticus Hill |
Synonym of Jacobaea aquatica (Hill) G. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Scherb. |
20 |
Senecio argunensis Turcz. |
Synonym of Jacobaea argunensis (Turcz.) B. Nord. |
20 |
Senecio pancicii Degen |
Synonym of Jacobaea arnautorum (Velen.) Pelser |
50 |
Senecio auricula Coss. |
Synonym of Jacobaea auricula (Bourg.) Pelser |
20 |
Senecio boissieri DC. |
Synonym of Jacobaea boissieri (DC.) Pelser |
20 |
Senecio ambiguus subsp. nebrodensis (Guss.) Peruzzi & N. G. Passal. |
Synonym of Jacobaea candida (C. Presl) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio candidus (C. Presl) DC. |
Synonym of Jacobaea candida (C. Presl) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio cannabifolius Less. |
Synonym of Jacobaea cannabifolia (Less.) E. Wiebe |
20 |
Senecio erraticus Bertol. |
Synonym of Jacobaea erratica (Bertol.) Fourr. |
20 |
Senecio erucifolius subsp. erucifolius |
Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia (L.) P. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Schreb. |
20 |
Senecio arenarius M. Bieb. |
Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. arenaria (Soó) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio erucifolius subsp. arenarius Soó |
Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. arenaria (Soó) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio grandidentatus Ledeb. |
Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. arenaria (Soó) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio praealtus Bertol. |
Synonym of Jacobaea erucifolia subsp. praealta (Betol.) Greuter & B. Nord. |
20 |
Senecio incanus L. |
Synonym of Jacobaea incana (L.) Veldkamp |
20 |
Senecio incanus subsp. incanus |
Synonym of Jacobaea incana (L.) Veldkamp |
20 |
Senecio incanus subsp. incanus |
Synonym of Jacobaea incana (L.) Veldkamp |
20 |
Senecio carniolicus Willd. |
Synonym of Jacobaea incana subsp. carniolica (Willd.) B. Nord. & Greuter |
60 |
Senecio incanus subsp. carniolicus (Willd.) B. -Bl. |
Synonym of Jacobaea incana subsp. carniolica (Willd.) B. Nord. & Greuter |
60 |
Senecio incanus subsp. carniolicus (Willd.) Braun-Blanq. & al. |
Synonym of Jacobaea incana subsp. carniolica (Willd.) B. Nord. & Greuter |
60 |
Senecio incanus subsp. insubricus (Chenevard) Braun-Blanq. & al. |
Synonym of Jacobaea incana subsp. insubrica (Chenevard) B. Nord. & Greuter |
60 |
Senecio leucophyllus DC. |
Synonym of Jacobaea leucophylla (DC.) Pelser |
20 |
Senecio lycopifolius Desf. |
Synonym of Jacobaea lycopifolia (Poir.) Greuter & B. Nord. |
40 |
Senecio bicolor subsp. cineraria (DC.) Chater |
Synonym of Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden |
20 |
Senecio cineraria DC. |
Synonym of Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden |
20 |
Senecio cineraria subsp. cineraria |
Synonym of Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden |
20 |
Senecio gibbosus subsp. cineraria (DC.) Peruzzi & al. |
Synonym of Jacobaea maritima (L.) Pelser & Meijden |
20 |
Senecio cineraria subsp. bicolor (Willd.) Arcang. |
Synonym of Jacobaea maritima subsp. bicolor (Willd.) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio maroccanus P. H. Davis |
Synonym of Jacobaea maroccana (P. H. Davis) Pelser |
20 |
Senecio minutus (Cav.) DC. |
Synonym of Jacobaea minuta (Cav.) Pelser & Veldkamp |
20 |
Senecio mollis Willd. |
Synonym of Jacobaea mollis (Willd.) B. Nord. |
20 |
Senecio paludosus L. |
Synonym of Jacobaea paludosa (L.) G. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Scherb. |
20 |
Senecio paludosus subsp. paludosus |
Synonym of Jacobaea paludosa (L.) G. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Scherb. |
20 |
Senecio paludosus subsp. lanatus Holub |
Synonym of Jacobaea paludosa subsp. lanata (Holub) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio persoonii D. Not. |
Synonym of Jacobaea persoonii (D. Not.) Pelser |
20 |
Senecio schischkinianus Sofieva |
Synonym of Jacobaea schischkiniana (Sofieva) B. Nord. & Greuter |
20 |
Senecio uniflorus (All.) All. |
Synonym of Jacobaea uniflora (All.) Veldkamp |
20 |
Senecio jacobaea L. |
Synonym of Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn. |
20 |
Senecio jacobaea subsp. jacobaea |
Synonym of Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn. |
20 |
Senecio jacobaea var. jacobaea |
Synonym of Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn. |
20 |
Senecio megaphyllus Greenm. |
Synonym of Jessea megaphylla (Greenm.) H. Rob. & Cuatrec. |
50 |
Senecio nyikensis var. nyikensis |
Synonym of Kleinia abyssinica (A. Rich.) A. Berger |
None |
Senecio nyikensis var. hildebrandtii (Vatke) G. D. Rowley |
Synonym of Kleinia abyssinica var. hildebrandtii (Vatke) C. Jeffrey |
None |
Senecio cephalophorus (Compton) Jacobsen |
Synonym of Kleinia cephalophora Compton |
None |
Senecio fulgens (Hook.) G. Nicholson |
Synonym of Kleinia fulgens Hook. |
None |
Senecio sempervivus subsp. grantii (Oliv. & Hiern) G. D. Rowley |
Synonym of Kleinia grantii (Oliv. & Hiern) Hook. |
None |
Senecio implexus P. R. O. Bally |
Synonym of Kleinia implexa (P. R. O. Bally) C. Jeffrey |
None |
Senecio kleinia (L.) Less. |
Synonym of Kleinia neriifolia Haw. |
None |
Senecio odorus (Forssk.) S. Bip. |
Synonym of Kleinia odora (Forssk.) DC. |
10 |
Senecio pendulus (Forssk.) S. Bip. |
Synonym of Kleinia pendula (Forssk.) DC. |
None |
Senecio picticaulis P. R. O. Bally |
Synonym of Kleinia picticaulis (P. R. O. Bally) C. Jeffrey |
None |
Senecio stapeliiformis Phillips |
Synonym of Kleinia stapeliiformis (E. Phillips) Stapf |
None |
Senecio loeseneri Hieron. |
Synonym of Lasiocephalus loeseneri (Hieron.) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio longipenicillatus Schultz-Bip. ex Sandw. |
Synonym of Lasiocephalus longipenicillatus (S. Bip.) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio jacquemontianus (Decne.) Benth. ex Hook. |
Synonym of Ligularia jacquemontiana (Decne.) M. A. Rau |
30 |
Senecio soongaricus Fisch. |
Synonym of Ligularia songarica (Fisch.) Ling |
30 |
Senecio veitchianus Hemsl. |
Synonym of Ligularia veitchiana (Hemsl.) Greenm. |
24 |
Senecio insularis Benth. |
Synonym of Lordhowea insularis (Benth.) B. Nord. |
19 |
Senecio pulchellus (Kunth) DC. |
Synonym of Monticalia pulchella (Kunth) C. Jeffrey |
20 |
Senecio smallii Britton ex Small & Vail |
Synonym of Packera anonyma (A. Wood) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
22 |
Senecio antennariifolius Britton |
Synonym of Packera antennariifolia (Britton) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio aureus L. |
Synonym of Packera aurea (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
22 |
Senecio aureus var. gracilis (Pursh) Hook. |
Synonym of Packera aurea (L.) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
22 |
Senecio bernardinus Greene |
Synonym of Packera bernardina (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio bernardinus Greene |
Synonym of Packera bernardina (Greene) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio harfordii Greenm. |
Synonym of Packera bolanderi var. harfordii (Greenm.) Trock & T. M. Barkley |
23 |
Senecio breweri B. Davy |
Synonym of Packera breweri (B. Davy) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio breweri B. Davy |
Synonym of Packera breweri (B. Davy) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio canus Hook. |
Synonym of Packera cana (Hook.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
46 |
Senecio harbourii Rydb. |
Synonym of Packera cana (Hook.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
46 |
Senecio canus Hook. |
Synonym of Packera cana (Hook.) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
46 |
Senecio clevelandii Greene |
Synonym of Packera clevelandii (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio clevelandii Greene |
Synonym of Packera clevelandii (Greene) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio cyclophyllus Greenm. |
Synonym of Packera coahuilensis (Greenm.) C. Jeffrey |
23 |
Senecio conterminus Greenm. |
Synonym of Packera contermina (Greenm.) J. F. Bain |
23 |
Senecio crocatus Rydb. |
Synonym of Packera crocata (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio cymbalaria Pursh |
Synonym of Packera cymbalaria (Pursh) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
74 |
Senecio debilis Nutt. |
Synonym of Packera debilis (Nutt.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio dimorphophyllus Greene |
Synonym of Packera dimorphophylla (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
22 |
Senecio eurycephalus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera eurycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio eurycephalus var. eurycephalus |
Synonym of Packera eurycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio eurycephalus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera eurycephala (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio fendleri A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera fendleri (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio flettii Wiegand |
Synonym of Packera flettii (Wiegand) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
20 |
Senecio franciscanus Greene |
Synonym of Packera franciscana (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio glabellus Poir. |
Synonym of Packera glabella (Poir.) C. Jeffrey |
23 |
Senecio greenei A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera greenei (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio greenei A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera greenei (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
20 |
Senecio hesperius Greene |
Synonym of Packera hesperia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio hesperius Greene |
Synonym of Packera hesperia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio resedifolius Less. |
Synonym of Packera heterophylla (Fisch.) E. Wiebe |
40 |
Senecio hyperborealis Greenm. |
Synonym of Packera hyperborealis (Greenm.) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
23 |
Senecio indecorus Greene |
Synonym of Packera indecora (Greene) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
88 |
Senecio ionophyllus Greene |
Synonym of Packera ionophylla (Greene) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio layneae Greene |
Synonym of Packera layneae (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
46 |
Senecio macounii Greene |
Synonym of Packera macounii (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio macounii Greene |
Synonym of Packera macounii (Greene) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
46 |
Senecio millelobatus Rydb. |
Synonym of Packera millelobata (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio millelobatus Rydb. |
Synonym of Packera millelobata (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
24 |
Senecio moranii T. M. Barkley |
Synonym of Packera moranii (T. M. Barkley) C. Jeffrey |
23 |
Senecio multilobatus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera multilobata (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio uintahensis (A. Nelson) Greenm. |
Synonym of Packera multilobata (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio multilobatus Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera multilobata (Torr. & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio neomexicanus A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera neomexicana (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio neomexicanus var. neomexicanus |
Synonym of Packera neomexicana (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio neomexicanus A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera neomexicana (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio mutabilis Greene |
Synonym of Packera neomexicana var. mutabilis (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
46 |
Senecio neomexicanus var. metcalfei (Greene) T. M. Barkley |
Synonym of Packera neomexicana var. mutabilis (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
46 |
Senecio neomexicanus var. mutabilis (Greene) T. M. Barkley |
Synonym of Packera neomexicana var. mutabilis (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
46 |
Senecio neomexicanus var. toumeyi (Greene) T. M. Barkley |
Synonym of Packera neomexicana var. toumeyi (Greene) Trock & T. M. Barkley |
22 |
Senecio obovatus Muhl. ex Willd. |
Synonym of Packera obovata (Muhl.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
22 |
Senecio obovatus Muhl. ex Willd. |
Synonym of Packera obovata (Muhl.) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
22 |
Senecio ogotorukensis Packer |
Synonym of Packera ogotorukensis (Packer) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
23 |
Senecio pauciflorus Pursh |
Synonym of Packera pauciflora (Pursh) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
87 |
Senecio pauperculus Michx. |
Synonym of Packera paupercula (Michx.) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
23 |
Senecio pauperculus var. pauperculus |
Synonym of Packera paupercula (Michx.) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
23 |
Senecio pauperculus var. thomsoniensis (Greenm.) B. Boivin |
Synonym of Packera paupercula (Michx.) Á. Löve & D. Löve |
23 |
Senecio pauperculus Michx. |
Synonym of Packera paupercula (Michx.) Ã. Löve & D. Löve |
23 |
Senecio pseudaureus Rydb. |
Synonym of Packera pseudaurea (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
20 |
Senecio pseudaureus var. flavulus (Greene) Greenm. |
Synonym of Packera pseudaurea var. flavula (Greene) Trock & T. M. Barkley |
23 |
Senecio quebradensis Greenm. |
Synonym of Packera quebradensis (Greenm.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio sanguisorboides Rydb. |
Synonym of Packera sanguisorboides (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio robbinsii Oakes ex Rusby |
Synonym of Packera schweinitziana (Nutt.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
22 |
Senecio schweinitzianus Nutt. |
Synonym of Packera schweinitziana (Nutt.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
22 |
Senecio streptanthifolius Greene |
Synonym of Packera streptanthifolia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio streptanthifolius Greene |
Synonym of Packera streptanthifolia (Greene) W. A. Weber & Ã. Löve |
23 |
Senecio cymbalarioides H. Buek |
Synonym of Packera subnuda (DC.) Trock & T. M. Barkley |
23 |
Senecio cymbalarioides subsp. cymbalarioides |
Synonym of Packera subnuda (DC.) Trock & T. M. Barkley |
23 |
Senecio cymbalarioides subsp. moresbiensis Calder & R. L. Taylor |
Synonym of Packera subnuda var. moresbiensis (Calder & R. L. Taylor) Trock |
44 |
Senecio imparipinnatus Klatt |
Synonym of Packera tampicana (DC.) C. Jeffrey |
23 |
Senecio tomentosus Michx. |
Synonym of Packera tomentosa (Michx.) C. Jeffrey |
23 |
Senecio tridenticulatus Rydb. |
Synonym of Packera tridenticulata (Rydb.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
23 |
Senecio petraeus Klatt |
Synonym of Packera werneriifolia (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
22 |
Senecio scaposus A. Nelson |
Synonym of Packera werneriifolia (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
22 |
Senecio werneriifolius (A. Gray) A. Gray |
Synonym of Packera werneriifolia (A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
22 |
Senecio sagittatus S. Bip. |
Synonym of Parasenecio hastatus (L.) H. Koyama |
10 |
Senecio abietinus Willd. ex Wedd. |
Synonym of Pentacalia abietina (Willd.) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio andicola Turcz. |
Synonym of Pentacalia andicola (Turcz.) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio arbutifolius Kunth |
Synonym of Pentacalia arbutifolia (Kunth) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio cacaosensis Cuatrec. |
Synonym of Pentacalia cacaosensis (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. |
40 |
Senecio cachacoensis Cuatrec. |
Synonym of Pentacalia cachacoensis (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. |
40 |
Senecio jalcanus Cuatrec. |
Synonym of Pentacalia jalcana (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. |
50 |
Senecio ledifolius (Kunth) DC. |
Synonym of Pentacalia ledifolia (Kunth) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio nitidus (Kunth) DC. |
Synonym of Pentacalia nitida (Kunth) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio semidentatus Klatt |
Synonym of Pentacalia reflexa (Kunth) Cuatrec. |
49 |
Senecio silvascandens Cuatrec. |
Synonym of Pentacalia silvascandens (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio teretifolius (Kunth) DC. |
Synonym of Pentacalia teretifolia (Kunth) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio trichopus (Benth.) Greenm. |
Synonym of Pentacalia trichopus (Benth.) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio vaccinioides (Kunth) S. Bip. ex Wedd. |
Synonym of Pentacalia vaccinioides (Kunth) Cuatrec. |
20 |
Senecio verticillatus var. trichophorus Greenm. |
Synonym of Pentacalia verticillata (Klatt) Cuatrec. |
45 |
Senecio wurdackii Cuatrec. |
Synonym of Pentacalia wurdackii (Cuatrec.) Cuatrec. |
40 |
Senecio appendiculatus (L.) S. Bip. |
Synonym of Pericallis appendiculata (L.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio cruentus (Masson) DC. |
Synonym of Pericallis cruenta (L'Hér.) Bolle |
30 |
Senecio cruentus (Masson) DC. |
Synonym of Pericallis cruenta (L'Hér.) Bolle |
30 |
Senecio echinatus (L.) DC. |
Synonym of Pericallis echinata (L.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio hadrosomus Svent. |
Synonym of Pericallis hadrosoma (Svent.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio heritieri DC. |
Synonym of Pericallis lanata (L'Hér.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio murrayi Bornm. |
Synonym of Pericallis murrayi (Bornm.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio papyraceus DC. |
Synonym of Pericallis papyracea (DC.) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio gomereus Kuntze |
Synonym of Pericallis steetzii (Bolle) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio steetzii Bolle |
Synonym of Pericallis steetzii (Bolle) B. Nord. |
30 |
Senecio webbii (S. Bip.) Christ |
Synonym of Pericallis webbii (S. Bip.) Bolle |
30 |
Senecio pojarkovae Schischk. |
Synonym of Pojarkovia pojarkovae (Schischk.) Greuter |
20 |
Senecio confusus Britten |
Synonym of Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides (Kunth) Cabrera |
45 |
Senecio sprucei Klatt |
Synonym of Pseudogynoxys poeppigii (DC.) H. Rob. & Cuatrec. |
10 |
Senecio donnell-smithii J. M. Coult. |
Synonym of Roldana barba-johannis (DC.) H. Rob. & Brettell |
10 |
Senecio grahamii Benth. |
Synonym of Roldana barba-johannis (DC.) H. Rob. & Brettell |
10 |
Senecio carlomasonii B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley |
Synonym of Roldana carlomasonii (B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley) C. Jeffrey |
30 |
Senecio heterogamus (Benth.) Hemsl. |
Synonym of Roldana heterogama H. Rob. & Brettell |
30 |
Senecio hirsuticaulis Greenm. |
Synonym of Roldana hirsuticaulis (Greenm.) Funston |
30 |
Senecio langlassei Greenm. |
Synonym of Roldana langlassei (Greenm.) H. Rob. & Brettell |
30 |
Senecio cristobalensis Greenm. ex Loes. |
Synonym of Roldana oaxacana (Hemsl.) H. Rob. & Brettell |
30 |
Senecio hederoides Greenm. |
Synonym of Roldana oaxacana (Hemsl.) H. Rob. & Brettell |
30 |
Senecio petasioides Greenm. |
Synonym of Roldana petasitis (Sims) H. Rob. & Brettell |
30 |
Senecio petasitis (Sims) DC. |
Synonym of Roldana petasitis (Sims) H. Rob. & Brettell |
30 |
Senecio petasitis (Sims) DC. |
Synonym of Roldana petasitis (Sims) H. Rob. & Brettell |
30 |
Senecio rugelia A. Gray |
Synonym of Rugelia nudicaulis Shuttlew. ex Chapm. |
28 |
Senecio eriospermus DC. |
Synonym of Iranecio eriospermus (DC.) C. Jeffrey |
19 |
Senecio hypochionaeus Boiss. |
Synonym of Iranecio hypochionaeus (Boiss.) C. Jeffrey |
20 |
Senecio pandurifolius K. Koch |
Synonym of Iranecio pandurifolius (K. Koch) C. Jeffrey |
12 |
Senecio inops Boiss. & Balansa |
Synonym of Jacobaea inops (Boiss. & Balansa) B. Nord. |
40 |
Senecio paludosus L. |
Synonym of Jacobaea paludosa (L.) G. Gaertn. & B. Mey. & Scherb. |
20 |
Senecio trapezuntinus Boiss. |
Synonym of Jacobaea trapezuntina (Boiss.) B. Nord. |
20 |
Kleinia acaulis (L.) DC. |
Synonym of Senecio acaulis (L.) S. Bip. |
10 |
Senecio acutangulus Hems!. |
Synonym of Senecio acutangulus (Bertol.) Hemsl. |
30 |
Senecio aegyptius var. aegyptius |
Synonym of Senecio aegyptius L. |
20 |
Senecio aegyptius var. discoideus |
Synonym of Senecio aegyptius var. discoideus Boiss. |
20 |
Jacobaea analoga (DC.) Veldkamp |
Synonym of Senecio analogus DC. |
20 |
Curio articulatus var. articulatus |
Synonym of Senecio articulatus (L.) S. Bip. |
10 |
Roldana donnell-smithii (J. M. Coult.) H. Rob. & Brettell |
Synonym of Senecio barba-johannis DC. |
30 |
Senecio hispidulus var. dissectus (Benth.) Belcher |
Synonym of Senecio bathurstianus (DC.) S. Bip. |
30 |
Senecio julietii Phil. |
Synonym of Senecio bipontinii Wedd. |
40 |
Senecio flaccidus A. Rich. |
Synonym of Senecio biserratus Belcher |
48 |
Senecio blochmanae E. Greene |
Synonym of Senecio blochmanae Greene |
20 |
Senecio blochmanae None |
Synonym of Senecio blochmanae Greene |
20 |
Senecio bolanderi Allan |
Synonym of Senecio bolanderi A. Gray |
23 |
Senecio rhombifolius Bolle |
Synonym of Senecio bollei Sunding & G. Kunkel |
10 |
Senecio bracteolatus var. bracteolatus |
Synonym of Senecio bracteolatus Hook. & Arn. |
20 |
Senecio flavus subsp. breviflorus Kadereit |
Synonym of Senecio breviflorus (Kadereit) Greuter |
20 |
Senecio mohavensis subsp. breviflorus (Kadereit) M. Coleman |
Synonym of Senecio breviflorus (Kadereit) Greuter |
20 |
Senecio scandens Wall. |
Synonym of Senecio buimalia B. -Ham. ex D. Don |
10 |
Senecio decorus Greenm. |
Synonym of Senecio callosus S. Bip. |
20 |
Senecio mandonianus Wedd. |
Synonym of Senecio candollii Wedd. |
40 |
Senecio litvinovii Schischk. |
Synonym of Senecio cannabifolius var. integrifolius (Koidz.) Kitam. |
20 |
Senecio lautus subsp. carnosulus (Kirk) Ornd. |
Synonym of Senecio carnosulus (Kirk) C. J. Webb |
40 |
Cacalia cervariaefolia DC. |
Synonym of Senecio cervariifolius S. Bip. |
29 |
Senecio changii C.Ren & Q.E.Yang |
Synonym of Senecio changii |
20 |
Kleinia breviscapa DC. |
Synonym of Senecio cicatricosus S. Bip. |
10 |
Senecio tomentosus Salisb. |
Synonym of Senecio cinerascens Aiton |
10 |
Senecio cobanensis var. sublaciniatus Greenm. |
Synonym of Senecio cobanensis J. M. Coult. |
65 |
Culcitium longifolium Turcz. |
Synonym of Senecio comosus var. culcitioides (S. Bip.) Cabrera |
20 |
Senecio culcitioides S. Bip. |
Synonym of Senecio comosus var. culcitioides (S. Bip.) Cabrera |
20 |
Senecio conzattii Grunm. |
Synonym of Senecio conzattii Greenm. |
20 |
Curio crassulifolius (DC.) P. V. Heath |
Synonym of Senecio crassulaefolius (DC.) S. Bip. |
10 |
Kleinia crassulifolia DC. |
Synonym of Senecio crassulaefolius (DC.) S. Bip. |
10 |
Senecio sarmentosus O. Hoffm. |
Synonym of Senecio deltoideus Less. |
20 |
Senecio cahillii Belcher |
Synonym of Senecio diaschides D. G. Drury |
30 |
Senecio doronicum subsp. doronicum |
Synonym of Senecio doronicum (L.) L. |
20 |
Senecio amphibolus Wedd. |
Synonym of Senecio dryophyllus Meyen & Walp. |
20 |
Senecio dubius Ledeb. |
Synonym of Senecio dubitabilis C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen |
18 |
Senecio nebrodensis L. |
Synonym of Senecio duriaei J. Gay |
20 |
Senecio tomentosus (Wight) C. B. Clarke |
Synonym of Senecio edgeworthii Hook. |
23 |
Senecio ambrosioides Rydb. |
Synonym of Senecio eremophilus var. kingii (Rydb.) Greenm. |
20 |
Senecio erisithalifolius S. Bip. |
Synonym of Senecio erisithalifolius S. Bip. ex Baker |
20 |
Senecio filaginoides var. filaginoides |
Synonym of Senecio filaginoides DC. |
20 |
Senecio douglasii var. longilobus (Benth.) L. D. Benson |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus Less. |
20 |
Senecio filifolius Nutt. |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus Less. |
20 |
Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidus |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus Less. |
20 |
Senecio longilobus Benth. |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus Less. |
20 |
Senecio douglasii (E. de Candolle) DC. |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii (DC.) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley |
20 |
Senecio douglasii var. douglasii |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii (DC.) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley |
20 |
Senecio douglasii var. monoensis (Greene) Jeps. |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis (Greene) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley |
20 |
Senecio monoensis Greene |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis (Greene) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley |
20 |
Senecio pectinatus A. Nelson |
Synonym of Senecio flaccidus var. monoensis (Greene) B. L. Turner & T. M. Barkley |
20 |
Senecio flammeus Turcz. |
Synonym of Senecio flammeus Turcz. ex DC. |
24 |
Senecio flavus subsp. flavus |
Synonym of Senecio flavus (Decne.) S. Bip. |
10 |
Senecio fremontii var. blitoides G. Cronq. |
Synonym of Senecio fremontii var. blitoides (Greene) Cronquist |
20 |
Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis None |
Synonym of Senecio fremontii var. occidentalis A. Gray |
20 |
Senecio difficilis Dufour |
Synonym of Senecio gallicus Vill. |
10 |
Senecio georgianus var. latifolius J. M. Black |
Synonym of Senecio gawlerensis M. E. Lawr. |
30 |
Senecio georgianus var. latifolius J. M. Black |
Synonym of Senecio gawlerensis M. E. Lawr. |
30 |
Senecio gerrardii None |
Synonym of Senecio gerrardii Harv. |
20 |
Senecio glabratus None |
Synonym of Senecio glabratus Hook. & Arn. |
62 |
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. glaucophyllus |
Synonym of Senecio glaucophyllus Cheeseman |
50 |
Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. raoulii (Hook.) Ornduff |
Synonym of Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. basinudus Ornduff |
50 |
Senecio glaucus subsp. glaucus |
Synonym of Senecio glaucus L. |
10 |
Senecio joppensis Dinsm. |
Synonym of Senecio glaucus L. |
10 |
Senecio coronopifolius Desf. |
Synonym of Senecio glaucus subsp. coronopifolius (Maire) C. Alexander |
10 |
Senecio desfontainei Druce |
Synonym of Senecio glaucus subsp. coronopifolius (Maire) C. Alexander |
10 |
Othonna gregorii (F. Muell.) C. Jeffrey |
Synonym of Senecio gregorii F. Muell. |
20 |
Senecio grisebachii var. grisebachii |
Synonym of Senecio grisebachii Baker |
20 |
Senecio populifolius L. |
Synonym of Senecio halimifolius L. |
30 |
Curio hallianus (G. D. Rowley) P. V. Heath |
Synonym of Senecio hallianus G. D. Rowley |
10 |
Senecio helenae (L.) Schinz & Thell. |
Synonym of Senecio helenae Buscal. & Muschl. |
24 |
Senecio hercynicus subsp. hercynicus |
Synonym of Senecio hercynicus Herborg |
20 |
Senecio hercynicus var. hercynicus |
Synonym of Senecio hercynicus Herborg |
20 |
Senecio dacicus Hodálová & Marhold |
Synonym of Senecio hercynicus subsp. dacicus (Hodálová & Marhold) Greuter |
20 |
Senecio ucranicus Hodálová |
Synonym of Senecio hercynicus subsp. ucranicus (Hodálová) Greuter |
20 |
Senecio hesperidum Jahandiez & al. |
Synonym of Senecio hesperidum Jahand. & al. |
10 |
Senecio hispidulus var. hispidulus |
Synonym of Senecio hispidulus A. Rich. |
30 |
Senecio foetidus Howell |
Synonym of Senecio hydrophiloides Rydb. |
20 |
Senecio foetidus var. foetidus |
Synonym of Senecio hydrophiloides Rydb. |
20 |
Senecio foetidus var. hydrophiloides (Rydb.) T. M. Barkley ex Cronquist |
Synonym of Senecio hydrophiloides Rydb. |
20 |
Senecio integerrimus var. integerrimus |
Synonym of Senecio integerrimus Nutt. |
20 |
Tephroseris kawakamii (Makino) Holub |
Synonym of Senecio kawakamii Makino |
20 |
Senecio amphibolus K. Koch |
Synonym of Senecio kolenatianus C. A. Mey. |
20 |
Senecio lamottei R. (. S. C. L. × . S. O. W. ) |
Synonym of Senecio lamottei Rouy |
20 |
Senecio lautus subsp. lautus |
Synonym of Senecio lautus G. Forst. ex Willd. |
20 |
Senecio lautus var. lautus |
Synonym of Senecio lautus G. Forst. ex Willd. |
20 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius Poiret |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. leucanthemifolius |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. poiretianus Maire |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. fradinii (Pomel) Batt. |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. latisectus Pau & F. Quer |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. leucanthemifolius |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. major Ball |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. paui Maire |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius var. vernus (Biv.) Fiori |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio pygmaeus DC. |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. |
10 |
Senecio glacialis Marcow. |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. caucasicus (DC.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. caucasicus None |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. caucasicus (DC.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio sosnovskyi Sofieva |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. caucasicus (DC.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio vernalis Waldst. & Kit. |
Synonym of Senecio leucanthemifolius subsp. vernalis (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio leucophyton None |
Synonym of Senecio leucophyton Phil. |
20 |
Senecio linearifolius var. linearifolius |
Synonym of Senecio linearifolius A. Rich. |
30 |
Senecio calcarius Kunth |
Synonym of Senecio mairetianus DC. |
20 |
Senecio mattirolii None |
Synonym of Senecio mattirolii Chiov. |
10 |
Cacalia peltata B. L. Rob. & Greenm. |
Synonym of Senecio megaphylla Greenm. |
30 |
Senecio mikanioides None |
Synonym of Senecio mikanioides Otto |
10 |
Senecio mohavensis subsp. mohavensis |
Synonym of Senecio mohavensis A. Gray |
20 |
Senecio fluviatilis Wallr. |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis L. |
20 |
Senecio nemorensis subsp. nemorensis |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis L. |
20 |
Senecio octoglossus DC. |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis L. |
20 |
Senecio apuanus Tausch |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. apuanus (Tausch) Greuter |
20 |
Senecio germanicus subsp. germanicus |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Äelak. |
20 |
Senecio germanicus Wallr. |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. |
20 |
Senecio germanicus subsp. germanicus |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. |
20 |
Senecio germanicus var. germanicus |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. |
20 |
Senecio jacquinianus Rchb. |
Synonym of Senecio nemorensis subsp. jacquinianus Čelak. |
20 |
Senecio websteri Greenm. |
Synonym of Senecio neowebsteri S. F. Blake |
20 |
Senecio malacitanus Huter |
Synonym of Senecio nevadensis subsp. malacitanus (Huter) Greuter |
20 |
Senecio odoratus var. odoratus |
Synonym of Senecio odoratus Hornem. |
30 |
Senecio odoratus var. odoratus |
Synonym of Senecio odoratus Hornem. |
30 |
Senecio oleraceus L. |
Synonym of Senecio oleraceus Crevost & Lemarie |
39 |
Senecio fuchsii C. C. Gmel. |
Synonym of Senecio ovatus Willd. |
20 |
Senecio nemorensis subsp. fuchsii (C. Gmelin) Celak |
Synonym of Senecio ovatus Willd. |
20 |
Senecio ovatus subsp. ovatus |
Synonym of Senecio ovatus Willd. |
20 |
Senecio alpestris Gaudin |
Synonym of Senecio ovatus subsp. alpestris (Gaudin) Herborg |
20 |
Senecio minimus var. picridioides (Turcz.) Belcher |
Synonym of Senecio picridioides (Turcz.) M. E. Lawr. |
30 |
Senecio minimus var. picridioides (Turcz.) Belcher |
Synonym of Senecio picridioides (Turcz.) M. E. Lawr. |
30 |
Senecio pinnatus Poiret |
Synonym of Senecio pinnatus Poir. |
40 |
Pittocaulon praecox (Cav.) H. Rob. & Brettell |
Synonym of Senecio praecox (Cav.) DC. |
30 |
Senecio gerardii Gren. & Godr. |
Synonym of Senecio provincialis (L.) Druce |
20 |
Senecio pseudoarnica var. pseudoarnica |
Synonym of Senecio pseudoarnica Less. |
20 |
Senecio pseudoarnica var. rollandii Vict. |
Synonym of Senecio pseudoarnica Less. |
20 |
Senecio orientalis Willd. |
Synonym of Senecio pseudoorientalis Schischk. |
20 |
Senecio icoglossus DC. |
Synonym of Senecio pulcher Hook. & Arn. |
20 |
Senecio tournefortii Lapeyr. |
Synonym of Senecio pyrenaicus L. |
20 |
Cineraria pyroglossa (Kar. & Kir.) Kamelin |
Synonym of Senecio pyroglossus Kar. & Kir. |
44 |
Curio radicans (L.) P. V. Heath |
Synonym of Senecio radicans (L.) S. Bip. |
20 |
Senecio radiolatus subsp. radiolatus |
Synonym of Senecio radiolatus F. Muell. |
20 |
Senecio antipodus Kirk |
Synonym of Senecio radiolatus subsp. antipodus (Kirk) C. J. Webb |
20 |
Senecio repangae subsp. repangae |
Synonym of Senecio repangae de Lange & B. G. Murray |
50 |
Senecio roseiflorus R. E. Fries |
Synonym of Senecio roseiflorus R. E. Fr. |
10 |
Senecio asper Aiton |
Synonym of Senecio rosmarinifolius L. |
9 |
Senecio flagellisectus Griseb. |
Synonym of Senecio rudbeckiaefolius Meyen & Walp. |
20 |
Senecio adenophylloides S. Bip. ex Wedd. |
Synonym of Senecio rufescens DC. |
20 |
Senecio solandri Allan |
Synonym of Senecio rufiglandulosus Colenso |
20 |
Erechtites runcinata (Less.) DC. |
Synonym of Senecio runcinatus Less. |
20 |
Senecio paucifolius DC. |
Synonym of Senecio ruwenzoriensis S. Moore |
20 |
Senecio sarracenicus L |
Synonym of Senecio sarracenicus L. |
20 |
Senecio hispidulus var. scaberulus (Hook.) Belcher |
Synonym of Senecio scaberulus (Hook.) D. G. Drury |
30 |
Senecio chillaloensis Cufod. |
Synonym of Senecio schultzii subsp. chillaloensis S. Ortiz & Vivero |
20 |
Senecio roberti-friesii K. Afzel. |
Synonym of Senecio schweinfurthii O. Hoffm. |
90 |
Senecio tenorei Pignatti |
Synonym of Senecio scopolii subsp. floccosus (Bertol.) Greuter |
20 |
Senecio sempervivus subsp. sempervivus |
Synonym of Senecio sempervivus S. Bip. |
None |
Culcitium serratifolium Meyen & Walp. |
Synonym of Senecio serratifolius (Meyen & Walp.) Cuatrec. |
40 |
Roldana sessilifolia (Hook. & Arn.) H. Rob. & Brettell |
Synonym of Senecio sessilifolius (Hook. & Arn.) Hemsl. |
30 |
Senecio squalidus subsp. squalidus |
Synonym of Senecio squalidus L. |
10 |
Senecio aethnensis Jan ex DC. |
Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. aethnensis (DC.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio aethnensis Jan ex DC. |
Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. aethnensis (DC.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio chrysanthemifolius Poir. |
Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. chrysanthemifolius (Poir.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio chrysanthemifolius subsp. chrysanthemifolius |
Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. chrysanthemifolius (Poir.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio squalidus subsp. chrysanthemifolius |
Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. chrysanthemifolius (Poir.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio siculus All. |
Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. microglossus (Guss.) Arcang. |
10 |
Senecio rupestris Waldst. & Kit. |
Synonym of Senecio squalidus subsp. rupestris (Waldst. & Kit.) Greuter |
10 |
Senecio subnebrodensis S. (. S. S. × . S. viscosus) |
Synonym of Senecio subnebrodensis Simonk. |
15 |
Senecio trichopterygius Muschl. |
Synonym of Senecio subsessilis Oliv. & Hiern |
20 |
Senecio subulatus D. Don ex Hook. & Arn. |
Synonym of Senecio subulatus var. subulatus |
40 |
Senecio thurifer (D. ). P. (. Pelser & al., 2010) |
Synonym of Senecio thurifer Bertero ex DC. |
20 |
Packera toluccana (DC.) W. A. Weber & Á. Löve |
Synonym of Senecio toluccanus DC. |
20 |
Senecio transmarinus var. sycephalus None |
Synonym of Senecio transmarinus var. sycephalus (S. Moore) |
10 |
Senecio doria subsp. umbrosus (Waldst. & Kit.) Soó |
Synonym of Senecio umbrosus Waldst. & Kit. |
20 |
Senecio vagus subsp. vagus |
Synonym of Senecio vagus F. Muell. |
49 |
Senecio rodriguezii Willk. ex J. J. Rodr. |
Synonym of Senecio varicosus L. |
10 |
Jacobaea vestita Thunb. |
Synonym of Senecio vestitus (Thunb.) P. J. Bergius |
9 |
Senecio vulgaris None |
Synonym of Senecio vulgaris L. |
20 |
Senecio vulgaris subsp. vulgaris |
Synonym of Senecio vulgaris L. |
20 |
Senecio vulgaris var. vulgaris |
Synonym of Senecio vulgaris L. |
20 |
Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus |
Synonym of Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus (O. F. Müll.) P. D. Sell |
20 |
Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus (O. F. Muell.) P. D. Sell |
Synonym of Senecio vulgaris subsp. denticulatus (O. F. Müll.) P. D. Sell |
20 |
Senecio warszewiczii Braun & Bouche |
Synonym of Senecio warszewiczii A. Braun & Bouché |
20 |
Senecio formosus Kunth |
Synonym of Senecio wedglacialis Cuatrec. |
40 |
Senecio gracilis Arn. |
Synonym of Senecio zeylanicus DC. |
20 |
Senecio × londinensis L. (X) |
Synonym of Senecio × londinensis Lousley |
15 |
Senecio × saundersii W. S. &. E. Beck |
Synonym of Senecio × saundersii W. Sauer & E. Beck |
54 |
Senecio × saundersii W. Sauer & E. .. Beck |
Synonym of Senecio × saundersii W. Sauer & E. Beck |
54 |
Senecio aconitifolius (Bunge) Turcz. |
Synonym of Syneilesis aconitifolia (Bunge) Maxim. |
26 |
Senecio alatus Wall. ex DC. |
Synonym of Synotis alata C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen |
20 |
Senecio kunthianus Wall. ex DC. |
Synonym of Synotis kunthiana (Wall.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen |
20 |
Senecio rufinervis DC. |
Synonym of Synotis rufinervis (DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen |
18 |
Senecio arborescens Steetz |
Synonym of Telanthophora arborescens (Steetz) H. Rob. & Brettell |
30 |
Senecio cladobotrys Ledeb. |
Synonym of Tephroseris cladobotrys (Ledeb.) Griseb. & Schenk |
12 |
Senecio rivularis (Waldst. & Kit.) DC. |
Synonym of Tephroseris crispa (Jacq.) Rchb. |
24 |
Senecio frigidus (Richardson) Less. |
Synonym of Tephroseris frigida (Richardson) Holub |
40 |
Senecio pseudoaurantiacus Kom. |
Synonym of Tephroseris frigida (Richardson) Holub |
40 |
Senecio fuscatus (Jord. & Fourr.) Hayek |
Synonym of Tephroseris fuscata (Hayek) Holub |
23 |
Senecio helenitis (L.) Schinz & Thell. |
Synonym of Tephroseris helenitis (L.) B. Nord. |
24 |
Senecio helenitis subsp. helenitis |
Synonym of Tephroseris helenitis (L.) B. Nord. |
24 |
Senecio spathulifolius (C. C. Gmel.) Griess. |
Synonym of Tephroseris helenitis (L.) B. Nord. |
24 |
Senecio campestris (Retz.) DC. |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia (L.) Holub |
24 |
Senecio integrifolius (L.) Clairv. |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia (L.) Holub |
24 |
Senecio integrifolius subsp. integrifolius |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia (L.) Holub |
24 |
Senecio succisifolius Kom. |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia (L.) Holub |
24 |
Senecio atropurpureus (Ledeb.) B. Fedtsch. |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. atropurpurea (Ledeb.) B. Nord. |
24 |
Senecio capitatus (Wahlenb.) Steud. |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. capitata (Wahlenb.) B. Nord. |
48 |
Senecio integrifolius subsp. capitatus (Wahlenb.) Cufod. |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. capitata (Wahlenb.) B. Nord. |
48 |
Senecio integrifolius subsp. maritimus (Syme) Chater |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. maritima (Syme) B. Nord. |
24 |
Senecio tundricola Tolm. |
Synonym of Tephroseris integrifolia subsp. tundricola (Tolm.) B. Nord. |
24 |
Senecio amurensis Schischk. |
Synonym of Tephroseris kirilowii (Turcz.) Holub |
24 |
Senecio kjellmanii A. E. Porsild |
Synonym of Tephroseris kjellmanii (A. E. Porsild) Holub |
24 |
Senecio koreanus Kom. |
Synonym of Tephroseris koreana (Kom.) B. Nord. & Pelser |
23 |
Senecio alpestris DC. |
Synonym of Tephroseris longifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. & Schenk |
24 |
Senecio longifolius (Jacq.) D. Torre |
Synonym of Tephroseris longifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. & Schenk |
24 |
Senecio ovirensis DC. |
Synonym of Tephroseris longifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. & Schenk |
24 |
Senecio ovirensis subsp. ovirensis |
Synonym of Tephroseris longifolia (Jacq.) Griseb. & Schenk |
24 |
Senecio arcticus Rupr. |
Synonym of Tephroseris palustris (L.) Rchb. |
24 |
Senecio congestus (R. Br.) DC. |
Synonym of Tephroseris palustris (L.) Rchb. |
24 |
Senecio papposus (Rchb.) Less. |
Synonym of Tephroseris papposa (Rchb.) Schur |
20 |
Senecio wagneri Degen |
Synonym of Tephroseris papposa subsp. wagneri (Degen) B. Nord. |
24 |
Senecio asiaticus Schischk. & Serg. |
Synonym of Tephroseris praticola (Schischk. & Serg.) Holub |
24 |
Senecio turczaninovii DC. |
Synonym of Tephroseris turczaninovii (DC.) Holub |
45 |